Descendants of Confucius Number Over 4 Million

Chinese history is filled with stories of prominent families, but few have survived more than a thousand years. One such family is the Kong family, which has seen the rise and fall of dynasties, and come through all the instability of those times to the present day. The family has now surpassed its 84th generation, ...

Nspirement Staff

Confucius Statue

A Magnificent Hotel With Mysterious Tunnels

Located on the Yuanshan (Round Mountain圓山) and overlooking Taipei City and the Keelung River, the Grand Hotel (圓山飯店) is a splendid, eye-catching landmark full of historical significance. It is believed that the hotel was constructed in response to a suggestion by Madame Chiang (Soong Mei-ling), wife of Taiwan’s late president Chiang Kai-shek, to accommodate international dignities. It is also ...

Billy Shyu

The Grand Hotel.