Pumpkin Seeds Pack a Punch

Every year, come late November, cooks in small towns and big cities all over America scoop out precious pumpkin seeds and toss them away, with only the very committed cooks setting the seeds aside to serve later as snacks. This is because most Americans are unaware that pumpkin seeds, Cucurbitae moschatae semen, in Latin, or ...

Jessica Kneipp

pumpkin seeds

2 Uplifting Stories

There are lessons to be learned from these two uplifting stories. The traveler A traveler saw an old woman standing beside a rain-swollen creek after a heavy downpour. She seemed worried and reluctant to cross. The traveler walked over and kindheartedly asked the woman: “Do you want me to carry you on my back and ...

Armin Auctor

Healthy Aging: From the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

An illustration from a classic text of Confucian filial piety shows a son amusing his elderly parents by pretending to be a child. Aging is natural, and healthy aging is achievable. Although the risk of disease and disability clearly increases with advancing age, poor health is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Many of the ...

Emma Lu

healthy ageing according to traditional chinese medicine black and white photo of old lady with white hair looking at a baby