How Can U.S. and Russia Prove Compliance in Reducing Nuclear Arsenals?

In past negotiations aimed at reducing the arsenals of the world’s nuclear superpowers, chiefly the U.S. and Russia, a major sticking point has been the verification process: How do you prove that real bombs and nuclear devices — not just replicas — have been destroyed, without revealing closely held secrets about the design of those ...

Troy Oakes

A Newly Discovered Type of Opal Formed by Common Seaweed Found

Scientists have discovered a completely new type of opal formed by a common seaweed that harnesses natural technology by self-assembling a nanostructure of oil droplets to control how light reflects from its cells to display a shimmering array of colors that, until now, has only been seen in the gemstone. The findings, published in Science Advances and ...

Troy Oakes

Seaweed opal.