5 Tips to Stay Active and Motivated This Winter

A cabin in a forest in the winter.
When the winter temperatures roll in, it's human nature to want to cozy up indoors and nap until spring comes. (Image: via Pixabay )

When the winter temperatures roll in, it’s human nature to want to cozy up indoors and nap until spring comes. But if you do, you’re going to face an uphill battle getting back into shape for summer. Instead of entirely abandoning your routine until the earth thaws, try mixing it up to stay motivated even when snow falls outside.

5 tips that will help keep you active all winter long

1. Work toward a time-bound goal

A 5K by the end of March. A half-marathon in April. A Tough Mudder by May. If you want to remain committed to your fitness routine, it’s often helpful to set a specific goal. That way, when you’re contemplating staying in bed instead of getting up and going for a 2-mile run, you’ll have a tangible reason not to hit the snooze button.

You can also set a smaller goal, like doing 10 push-ups every day or working out twice a week. Whatever it is, just choose something attainable for you.

Set specific goals for winter exercise.
You can also set a smaller goal, like doing 10 push-ups every day or working out twice a week. (Image: via Pixabay)

2. Splurge on a winter workout ensemble

When you want to keep up your fitness regime in the winter, you need the proper attire. Having a winter-appropriate workout ensemble in your closet might be just the motivation you need to get outside for some active fun. Round up the winter-wear essentials, including sweat-wicking pants and a top, wool socks and gloves, a hat or headband that covers your ears, and a warm, wind-breaking outer layer.

3. Find an exercise buddy

Perhaps it’s only the public shame that motivates you. Short of posting a sleeping-in selfie every time you don’t make it to the gym, there’s one option that makes sense — invite a friend to join you on your journey. Plan to work out with your buddy two or three times a week to create a routine. When another person is depending on you to show up for a workout, that accountability may be more convincing than a cute new pair of running pants alone.

4. Join a gym

If the thought of heading outside in the frigid temperatures is too unappealing for you, don’t try to force yourself. Set yourself up for success by joining a gym instead. If you have the bells and whistles of a nice gym to look forward to — like a steam in the sauna after your workout — you’re more apt to make it to a sweat session in the morning. Depending on the gym’s terms, you could even join for the winter months, then cancel your membership and head back outside come spring.

If the thought of heading outside in the frigid temperatures is too unappealing for you, don't try to force yourself. Set yourself up for success by joining a gym instead.
If the thought of heading outside in the frigid temperatures is too unappealing for you, don’t try to force yourself. Set yourself up for success by joining a gym instead. (Image: via Pixabay)

5. Try something new

If you are already following these tips but still struggling to stick to a fitness routine this winter, there is one more thing that you can try: an entirely new indoor workout. Winter is the perfect season to finally attempt hot yoga or head to a spin class at a boutique studio nearby. You could even get adventurous and try a trampoline fitness class at an indoor playground. Many trampoline parks offer courses for both adults and kids, plus, it’s a great way to increase brain activity.

Now that you have a few ideas about how to maintain your motivation this winter, you have no excuse to hit the snooze button. Find a workout that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning and keep your fitness habits going strong all season long. By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be in perfect shape to conquer that long race you’ve been training for or jump right back into your outdoor workouts.

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  • Megan Nichols

    Megan is a huge fan of all things nerdy, geeky, and unusual. She makes the most exciting scientific discoveries easier to understand and encourages others to join the conversation. As a freelance writer, she also enjoys sharing her knowledge by writing for other science, technology, and engineering blogs around the web