The Feng Shui of Direction and Color

Two young women working on an interior design project.
At its most basic level, feng shui can be used as a collection of decorating principles based on the belief that our surroundings affect us. (Image: Pattanaphong Khuankaew via Dreamstime)

Feng shui — which literally translates to “wind and water” — is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The goal is to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth, and invite happiness. At its most basic level, feng shui is a decorating discipline based on the belief that our surroundings affect us.

The meaning of direction and color in feng shui

East and red

Traditionally, red represents festivity, passion, bravery, and boldness. According to traditional feng shui, the cardinal direction of east is a symbol of a young and adventurous spirit; therefore, red furniture and decorations should be placed on the east side of a room, such as mahogany furnishings or a red rug. This can motivate the family and bring good luck in their work and studies.

South and green

The cardinal direction of south dominates inspiration and social skills. Placing green plants on the southern side of a room not only provides a lush green experience for the eyes, but also has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships.

In feng shui, placing green plants on the southern side of a room not only provides a lush green experience for the eyes, but also has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships.
In feng shui, placing green plants on the southern side of a room not only provides a lush green experience for the eyes, but also has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships. (Image: Sagar Simkhada via Dreamstime)

West and yellow

Yellow has always been used to represent wealth, and the cardinal direction of west dominates career and wealth. Placing yellow furniture accessories, such as a citrine stone carving, on the western side of a room can bring good fortune in terms of money and career.

North and orange

The cardinal direction of north affects the relationship between a husband and wife, and orange symbolizes passion. If you want to improve marital relations, place an orange table lamp, rug, or pillow on the northern side of your bedroom.

Orange lamp with a striped lamp shade.
If you want to improve marital relations, place an orange table lamp, rug, or pillow on the northern side of your bedroom. (Image: Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay)

Intermediate directions and color adaptations

  • Northwest and white increase the chances of being rich and honorable
  • Southwest and brown increase the stable energy of a home
  • Southwest and yellow bring luck with the opposite sex

Color considerations of a home

  • The sky is clear and the ground is muddy. The color of the ceiling should be the lightest color in a room, while the floor should be darker than the ceiling. Otherwise, people who live in the house will do things in a disorderly manner and be too concerned about little things, while ignoring the important ones.
A living room with sofa, coffee table, end table, light fixture, and TV with a sliding glass door opening on to a balcony containing a small table and chairs.
The color of the ceiling should be the lightest color in a room, while the floor should be darker than the ceiling. (Image: Hd3dsh via Dreamstime)
  • The ceiling represents the sky, the floor represents the ground, and the walls represent people. The brightness of the wall color should lie in between that of the ceiling and the floor. That is, the color of the walls should be darker than the ceiling, but lighter than the floor, so that heaven, earth, and people can achieve a harmonious relationship.
  • It’s not good to use too much red or black as the main color of a house because they will cause people to do things impulsively and to go to extremes.

Translated by Xianghai

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