The Power of Shower Thoughts: Why the Best Ideas Come When You’re in the Shower

A man showering.
We've all experienced it; that moment of clarity when a brilliant idea or solution to a problem suddenly comes to us in the shower. (Image: Martinmark via Dreamstime)

We’ve all experienced it; that moment of clarity when a brilliant idea or solution to a problem suddenly comes to you in the shower. Studies have confirmed what we’ve always known deep down. So taking a shower not only leaves you feeling fresh, but it also leads to creativity.

According to a survey by Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, a cognitive psychologist, and published by Hansgrohe, 72 percent of the sample population conceived insightful ideas during showers. 

The same survey reported that 14 percent of the sample population specifically took showers to evoke new ideas and find new, more practical solutions to a particular problem. 

Showers provide the distraction you need to evoke a brilliant idea and have it running before you get to work on it (Image: Martinmark via Dreamstime)

Why do the best ideas come when showering?

So why in the shower and not when thinking hard? You don’t engage your brain much in cleaning your body when you shower. This is because, somehow, you’re used to the process and know what to do. This time allows your brain to relax and feel good, a process that triggers the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with creativity.

Other activities that trigger dopamine release include listening to music, exercising, resting, and being in a great mood. 

Showers also provide the distraction you need to evoke a brilliant idea and have it running before you get to work on it. So while showering, you have the time to think and rethink an idea and come up with the best solution. 

How to remember your deep shower thoughts

However, many people have reported forgetting the brilliant shower ideas that struck them shortly after getting out. So how do you ensure that your beautiful ideas don’t disappear as soon as you step out of the shower?

Keep a notepad near your bathroom

As soon as you finish your shower, write down all the ideas you conceived before you forget them. You can then dress up and continue with other activities of the day. Also, keep a notepad in your car or gym bag, and sometimes carry it with you when you go grocery shopping, because that is when your mind ought to be more creative. 

Use your phone’s voice recorder

Some studies argue that you should stay away from your phone during your peak creative times because distractions may undermine your productivity. However, you can keep your phone silent and use your voice recorder. Record all your ideas as they stream in and listen to them later or note them elsewhere.

Some thoughts may not even make sense at the time, but they’re worth noting and revisiting later.

Invest in Aqua Notes

Aqua Notes are waterproof notepads you can stick on your bathroom wall and write on whenever an idea comes to your head. 

Aqua Notes are waterproof notepads you can stick on your bathroom wall and write on whenever an idea comes to your head. (Image: Ambientideas via Dreamstime)

How to implement your ideas

You have a brilliant idea; now what? Remember that most ideas aren’t ready to be implemented after conception. Also, many of your thoughts, bright as they are, may fail to work. Generating a picture is a process; you may need to tweak your ideas as you implement them. 

Most top innovators are idea adventurers who explore better ways to grow ideas. Persistence is a significant attribute of innovative people. So always work to make your brilliant ideas a reality because they are only effective if carried out.

Think about it; you might be a shower away from your next life-changing idea. So make your eureka moment count.

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  • Nathan Machoka

    Nathan is a writer specializing in history, sustainable living, personal growth, nature, and science. To him, information is liberating, and it can help us bridge the gap between cultures and boost empathy. When not writing, he’s reading, catching a favorite show, or weightlifting. An admitted soccer lover, he feeds his addiction by watching Arsenal FC games on weekends.