David Jirard

The Trial of a Monkey

Guo Zizhang, the mayor of Jianning City, had always been capable since he took office. Once on his way to report to a new post, Guo Zizhang passed through a scenic spot, so he ordered the sedan chair to stop. He stepped out of the chair to enjoy the scenery when a monkey caught his ...

David Jirard

A monkey.

How Filial Piety Can Change One’s Fate

In ancient Chinese history, many people emphasized righteousness and filial piety and inspired the people around them to cultivate themselves and practice righteousness. Here are two stories about filial piety that changed people’s destinies. Zhao Zi’s filial piety transformed a group of robbers During the Han Dynasty (202 B.C. – A.D. 8), a man named ...

David Jirard

A robber with a knife.

Wise Living by Embracing ‘Less’

The best health regimen doesn’t revolve around better sleep or rigorous exercise but instead centers on a single word: “less.” Since ancient times, people have been searching for the essence of optimal health. Taoism emphasizes that the key to wellness lies not in excess, but in the principle of less. The Tao Te Ching is ...

David Jirard

Less is more.

Simple Exercise to Lower Blood Sugar and Burn Fat

A research team at the University of Houston made a groundbreaking discovery: a simple exercise that effectively elevates oxidative metabolism, lowering blood sugar and burning fat. This exercise is especially suitable for people who lack time for physical activity or cannot exercise vigorously. This simple exercise, tailored for sedentary individuals, is called the soleus pushup ...

David Jirard

The soleus pushup exercise.

Read Books to Live Longer

Researchers at Yale University have recently published a study showing that people who read books live longer on average than those who don’t. What are the benefits of reading? Everyone can list many benefits, such as increasing knowledge, broadening horizons, etc. But few people would think that reading more can help you live longer. Researchers ...

David Jirard

A senior reading.

The Dream Theories of Carl Jung

Dr. Carl Jung was a Swiss-born psychoanalyst who greatly influenced the study of dreams. The theories of Carl Jung (1875-1961) remain a valuable source of guidance into the world of dreams. Many other theories have been proposed since his time. However, his analysis of the nature and meaning of dreaming still stands as the most ...

David Jirard

A girl dreaming.

5 Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is the most essential nutrient for the human body. It accounts for about 60 percent of an adult’s body weight. Dehydration or lack of water can lead to headaches, high blood pressure, obesity, constipation, and other disorders. Drinking water is so easy and can benefit your life and work. This is why doctors often ...

David Jirard

A young man holding a container of water.

Foods That Protect Your Eyes

Nowadays, as people increase their screen time on mobile phones and computers, their eyes suffer more severe visual fatigue. Some direct effects of visual fatigue are myopia and accelerated eye aging. In addition to caring for your visual health by limiting the time you look at a screen, eating certain foods regularly can also protect ...

David Jirard

A woman's eyes.

7 Ways to Reuse Your Old Cell Phones

Many people replace their cell phones every 2 to 3 years. The old cell phones are put away somewhere, and when it’s time to declutter, they’re just thrown away as scrap, but there are many ways to reuse your old cell phones. The growing number of apps makes it easier to repurpose them without keeping ...

David Jirard

A pile of old cell phones.