David Jirard

4 Benefits of Eating Eggs

Many people wonder whether eating eggs is healthy. The appearance of the egg is smooth and even, with a shiny surface that has fine clean pores. Its oval shape and fragile feel make it immediately recognizable. The difference between eggs with different shell colors is in the breed of the hen that laid them, but ...

David Jirard

A bowl of brown and white eggs.

7 Foods to Keep Your Blood Vessels Young

If the body’s blood vessels are not working properly, they cannot deliver blood to all parts of the body. As you age, fatty traces form in your blood vessels causing the cells lining the inside of the vessels to increase in number and size. This leads to medical emergencies, such as heart attacks and strokes. ...

David Jirard

A jar of honey.

3 Fruits to Relieve Your Cough

Many people have a cough in autumn and winter, especially at night, which affects their rest and is very distressing. It is not good for the body to take medicine all the time. Furthermore, it does no good to take an antibiotic if you have a viral infection. In addition, taking an antibiotic that isn’t ...

David Jirard

An older man coughing.

Improving Your Immunity

Those with weak immunity are of course more prone to getting sick, however, there are ways to improve your immunity to lessen your chances of getting ill. 8 ways to improve immunity 1. Get enough sleep Since sleep can restore your body’s vigor and make you feel energetic when waking up, you should ensure you ...

David Jirard

A bowl of chicken soup.

Walking Is the Best Exercise

Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s great for everything. It frees us from the shackles of work and life, and frees our bodies, brains, and minds. Sometimes when you really can not think of something or you’re bored sitting in the house for a long time, go ahead and push open the door to go ...

David Jirard

A family out walking.

The Magical Effects of Celery Juice

Celery is rich in protein and contains cellulose which invigorates the stomach, helps lower blood pressure, improves the skin, and it also supports regular bowel movements. Celery can be fried, steamed, or used as a filling for dumplings and steamed buns. In recent years, celery juice has become popular all over the world. Many celebrities, ...

David Jirard

A glass of celery juice.

3 Teas to Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Healthy blood vessels are crucial for transporting oxygen and nutrients via human blood, and your blood vessels have a lifespan. Although blood vessels are less prone to problems when young, you must pay special attention to the potential for cardiovascular disease as you age. How does one maintain the health of their blood vessels? The ...

David Jirard

Hawthorn tea with hawthorn flowers..

3 Signs of a Stroke and How to Avoid One

After middle age, many diseases may occur with the decline of bodily functions. Among them, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are severe. For example, a stroke is very dangerous as it will not only cause significant harm to the body, but it may also cause disability and even death. Are there any signs of an impending ...

David Jirard

A stroke patient having rehab.

6 Foods That Help Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a common risk factor for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels when the heart muscle relaxes and contracts. The pressure when the heart contracts is called “systolic blood ...

David Jirard

Testing blood pressure.

Eat Red Dates to Stay Young

There is a Chinese saying that: “Three jujubes a day will help you stay young.” This saying speaks to the benefits of eating the jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba) which is also known as the Chinese date or the red date. Nowadays red dates are not only one of the most popular medicinal foods in China, ...

David Jirard

Eating jujube dates are a great way to stay young. (Image: Nikolaydonetsk via Dreamstime)