Mikel Davis

The Sage Advice of Empress Ma

Empress Ma, the wife and wartime comrade of Zhu Yuanzhang, played a pivotal role during times of conflict and upheaval. She adeptly managed logistics and soothed the troops, contributing significantly to their collective victory. Humility in power Despite her elevated status after their triumph, Empress Ma remained grounded. Zhu Yuanzhang frequently lauded her resilience and ...

Mikel Davis

Portrait of Empress Ma of the Ming Dynasty on a hanging scroll.

Unlocking Treasures of Wisdom to Solve Any Problem

In the face of danger and adversity, ordinary people may be overwhelmed, panic-stricken, and unsure of what to do, often feeling lost or even hopeless. However, some perceptive individuals can use their intellectual wisdom to turn peril into safety and find life in hopeless situations. Throughout history, there are numerous tales of such ingenuity. Below ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a Chinese village on the lake with pagoda and cherry blossoms.

Honey for Cough Relief: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

As the colder months approach, bringing with them drier air, there’s a notable rise in respiratory conditions, like viral infections and pneumonia. A common symptom among these is coughing, a distressing and often persistent issue. Traditional Chinese medicine, rooted in centuries of practice and wisdom, suggests a surprisingly simple yet effective cough relief remedy: honey. ...

Mikel Davis

A coughing woman.

Wisdom in Leadership: The Strategies of Zeng Guofan

Zeng Guofan came from a farmer’s family, yet he was able to achieve the ranks of nobility and high office. As a mere scholar, he repeatedly achieved military success. He held great power throughout the country, yet he met a peaceful end. This success was rooted in his unique approach to dealing with matters focusing ...

Mikel Davis

A lit light bulb on a wooden surface surrounded by unlit bulbs.

Anti-Aging Strategies: Achieving Youthful Vitality

Your body functions like a house that’s constantly undergoing “destruction” and “construction.” Aging, in essence, is when the body’s rate of destruction surpasses that of construction. By adopting the right methods to enhance bodily construction over destruction, you can not only slow down aging, but potentially reverse it, achieving a more youthful state. Strategies to ...

Mikel Davis

Mature couple embracing at the beach.

Maintaining Brain Health After 40: Foods and Habits to Help Prevent Dementia

As you age, your brain health begins to show signs of decline, starting around the age of 40. However, there are effective methods to not only halt this decline, but also potentially to increase your cognitive abilities. A combination of a brain-boosting diet and the proper exercise regime, such as brisk walking, can be instrumental ...

Mikel Davis

Mature couple relaxing on the grass in a park with a pile of fresh fruit, some books, and a pair of glasses in the foreground and a bicycle in the background.

Diligence and Discipline: The Hallmarks of Emperor Yongzheng’s Rule

Most Qing emperors were renowned for their diligent governance, with Yongzheng standing out as a particularly exceptional ruler. Sakuji Saeki, a Japanese historian, lauded him, saying: “Without Yongzheng, the Qing Dynasty would have likely faced an early decline.” He was an emperor of remarkable political acumen and capability. Emperor Yongzheng’s strict governance and high moral ...

Mikel Davis

Summer Palace in Beijing, China.

Unwavering Integrity: Pei Huaigu’s Enduring Legacy in the Tang Dynasty

Pei Huaigu, a distinguished figure in the Tang Dynasty, is celebrated for his exceptional governance and unwavering integrity. His tenure as the prefect of Bingzhou marked a period of profound admiration and respect from the populace. During the Shenlong era, Pei’s consistent excellence in administrative achievements led to his promotion to the esteemed position of ...

Mikel Davis

Engraving on the lid of a Chinese wooden box showing birds and flowers.

Empress Jiang: A Paragon of Virtue and Wisdom in Ancient China

In the annals of Chinese history, the mention of wise and influential empresses invariably brings us to Empress Jiang, the queen who successfully guided King Xuan of Zhou, the 11th monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.). Her story is not just about advising a king; it’s a narrative of moral strength, strategic counsel, ...

Mikel Davis

Oil painting of pink peonies.