Mikel Davis

Historical Plague Survival: The Oberammergau Story and the Dongguang County Mystery

Plagues have the power to topple the mightiest empires and disband the strongest armies. Seemingly impartial and ruthless, neither wealth nor power offer protection. Even a nation’s ruler can easily fall victim. Despite our advanced material and scientific civilization, we have not been immune to the indeterminate origins of current viral crises. However, plagues are ...

Mikel Davis

Pieter Bruegel's painting 'The Triumph of Death,' depicting the Black Plague in Europe.

Emperor Tang Taizong: A Legacy of Seeking Talent in Ancient China

Emperor Tang Taizong, renowned for establishing one of the most formidable empires in history, owes much of his success to his exceptional talent in identifying and utilizing gifted individuals. A prominent example of his ability to discern talent was in the rise of Ma Zhou, who evolved from a humble background to become the Prime ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of the face of Emperor Tang Taizong.

Shaping Destiny Through Character: The Ultimate Ticket to Wealth

During the reign of Emperor Wen of Han, Deng Tong was a highly favored courtier due to his high character. The Emperor was especially fond of Deng, who often accompanied him in his carriage and was even permitted to share the same sleeping quarters with him. At this time, a famous diviner named Xu Fu ...

Mikel Davis

Potted plant with a sign stuck in it that reads 'ticket to wealth.'

8 Warning Signs of Dementia

Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien, hailed by The New York Times as “Taiwan’s Greatest Filmmaker,” received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2020 Golden Horse Awards. Recently, his family confirmed that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This personal revelation brings to light a crucial global concern — dementia. Effective strategies to prevent dementia The heart-wrenching ...

Mikel Davis

Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien posing for photos at Cannes, France, in 2015.

The Clever Use of Chinese Characters in History

Traditional Chinese is made up of characters that are like building blocks. However, a simple inversion of these characters can drastically change their meanings and implications, which can be crucial in some special situations. Turning the tide in battle by changing the Chinese characters Zeng Guofan, a famous general in the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), led ...

Mikel Davis

Chinese characters written by different calligraphers on pieces of bamboo.

Guiding Integrity: The Upright and Honest Advisors of Ancient China

In ancient China’s history, wisdom and integrity were paramount virtues. Rulers often sought counsel when faced with perplexing matters, including unsettling dreams and omens. Those endowed with good character, like Yan Zi and Gongsun Sheng, diligently fulfilled their duties, prioritizing their responsibilities over personal gain or safety. Yan Zi’s wise counsel and integrity Duke Jing ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man dressed in the robes of an ancient Chinese official.

The Diplomatic Masterstroke of Emperor Taizu of Song

In 964, Emperor Taizu of Song quelled the Southern Tang and was poised to continue his conquest by taking the kingdom of Wuyue. Unexpectedly, King Qian Chu of Wuyue personally visited him, presenting a map of his territory as a token of submission. A warm reception Emperor Taizu was delighted by Qian Chu’s visit, inviting ...

Mikel Davis

Chinese painting of Emperor Taizu of Song.

The Foundations of Happiness in Danish Egalitarian Society

The idyllic notion of a stateless utopia where the old have care, the young have growth, and the able-bodied are employed, manifests itself not in a fabled land, but in the snowy reaches of Denmark, known globally for its high levels of happiness. In Aarhus, Denmark’s second-largest city, flower stands operate without a vendor in ...

Mikel Davis

Map of Europe with the Danish flag stuck in the country of Denmark.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep

There’s a saying: “Medicine nourishes less than food, and food nourishes less than sleep.” Indeed, it can be considered the premier form of rejuvenation. As the proverb goes: “A good night’s sleep revitalizes you, while a restless night drains your energy.” Hence, the quality of sleep is closely tied to our overall health. The risks ...

Mikel Davis

Bedroom with nightstands and lamps beside the bed.