Emma Lu

8 Conversation Techniques That Showcase High Emotional Intelligence

Everyone can talk, but not everyone knows how to speak effectively. Using language wisely and mastering the art of conversation allows you to get along with others and become a person with high emotional intelligence. 8 techniques to help you display your emotional intelligence 1. Life is already sweet enough One colleague remarked: “Why are ...

Emma Lu

Group of friends laughing and talking together in a big park.

The Simple Secrets to a Healthier Life: Understanding Daily Dietary Choices

As the Chinese saying goes: ”Food is Heaven for the people.” This emphasizes how deeply food is revered and its critical role in daily life. Across cultures, food is more than sustenance; it’s a source of health, pleasure, and often, a focal point of social interaction. While everyone globally faces daily choices about what to ...

Emma Lu

Smiling young woman eating food and talking with friends during a dinner party outdoors.

Moral Integrity Brings Future Blessings

In many cultures, tales of moral integrity underscore the belief that virtuous behavior is often rewarded with future prosperity and success. These stories, drawn from historical anecdotes and folklore, serve as timeless reminders that maintaining your principles in the face of temptation can lead to blessings that extend beyond just you, benefiting future generations. The ...

Emma Lu

Water flowing from a bamboo tube into a pond with a lotus flower floating on the surface.

The Law of Cause and Effect: Historical Records of Good and Evil Retribution

What goes around comes around. This is a universal belief in Chinese culture. In the Book of Changes (Kun Gua Wen), Yan says: “A family that accumulates good deeds will have a surplus of blessings, whereas a family that accumulates bad deeds will have a surplus of calamities.” The writings of the ancients have left ...

Emma Lu

Dead trees surrounded by flood waters.

8 Foods That Can Be Your Spiritual Antidote

Amid your busy daily life, you often face various pressures and conflicts. Behind these seemingly trivial matters lie deeper issues of poor communication and accumulated stress. Dr. Lobsang Gyaltsen presents an interesting viewpoint regarding food in his book Preventive Medicine: The Tibetan Art of Healing Body and Mind. You can improve physical health, bring peace ...

Emma Lu

A paste made from black sesame seeds.

The Simpsons Predictions: From Vision Pro and Virtual Realities to Presidential Forecasts and Pandemic Insights (Part 1)

The recent launch of Apple’s advanced Vision Pro has unexpectedly reignited interest in the beloved TV series The Simpsons. This resurgence isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s driven by the series’ uncanny knack for predicting future technologies. Remarkably, The Simpsons showcased a device strikingly similar to Vision Pro nearly eight years ago, underlining its role as ...

Emma Lu

A drink coaster with the image of Homer Simpson sitting on his sofa eating snacks and drinking beer. while watching TV.

20 Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Every day, you engage in routines that shape your future. As Aristotle wisely stated: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” You lay the foundation for a fulfilling and happy life by fostering small, positive habits. Below are 20 simple but powerful habits that can help you ...

Emma Lu

Dandelion fluff being blown in the wind.

The ‘Mixed Abilities Art Troupe’ Motto: Never Give Up

Have you heard of the “Mixed Abilities Art Troupe”? This group was established in 2005 by Liu Ming, the Troupe’s founder, and Taiwan’s first disabled person to win a Golden Bell Award for broadcasting the troupe. This group comprises members with physical disabilities, visual impairments, hearing and speech impediments, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and ...

Emma Lu

Members of the 'Mixed Abilities Art Troupe.'

Eminent Monk of the Tang Dynasty: The Life and Miracles of Pan Liao Quan

Pan Liao Quan (812-861) was a revered monk during the Tang Dynasty, whose life was marked by spiritual phenomena from the very beginning. Born in Sha County, Fujian Province, to Pan Dezhang and a mother surnamed Qiu, his early life already hinted at his future monastic significance. The unyielding fist A notable event occurred right ...

Emma Lu

Asian monk walking through grass toward a giant Buddha statue.

Human Nature Is Good, Sometimes Kindness Just Needs a Spark to Ignite it

In an age where stories of negativity and conflict often dominate the headlines, it’s the quiet, potent acts of kindness that weave the underlying fabric of our society together. These acts of kindness, often unnoticed by the masses, hold the power to transform lives in unexpected and profound ways. The narratives that follow, set against ...

Emma Lu

Woman in a field with arms outstretched, surrounded by butterflies.