Mike West

What to Do When a Child Lies: 7 Ways to Deal With the Situation

Despite every parent not wanting this to happen, a child’s lying can occasionally occur when least expected. Sometimes children tell a lie about the most minor things ever, and most of the time, they don’t even understand why they do what they do. However, these could be critical moments when you could help them learn ...

Mike West

Pinocchio after telling a lie.

7 Ways to Entertain a Child When They Are Sick: No Technology Needed

A sick child can sometimes be restless as they struggle to have fun and keep themselves entertained. This can lead to more stress since gadgets and electronics aren’t ideal for them, so finding non-technological ways to engage them is essential. If you struggle to keep your child entertained, especially when they are sick, looking for ...

Mike West

A sick child.

Baby Full-Month Celebration Explained: Why This Chinese Tradition Came to Life

Parents typically celebrate a baby’s first month of existence for sentimental reasons, such as how the baby was alive and well during its first month. However, it’s more than just a new tradition and has roots deep in Chinese culture. Aside from celebrating the newborn’s first month, Chinese culture has a specific way of celebrating ...

Mike West

Happy Asian baby dressed in red.

Japanese Natto Explored: Why This Traditional Dish Is Good for Your Health

The traditional Japanese dish natto is popular in Japan, but it is commonly unheard of in the Western world. Aside from its unique taste, the dish has substantial health benefits due to its nutrition. This food is unique and is sometimes even described as an acquired taste since, admittedly, not everyone that tries it the ...

Mike West

A bowl of Japanese natto.

Scandi Hairline: How to Achieve the Aesthetic

A new hair trend called the Scandinavian or Scandi hairline for the summer is a unique play on hair coloring. Instead of coloring the entire head, why not dye just the hairline? As the new summer trend is gaining traction, find out the best way to try it out and what to tell your local ...

Mike West

The Scandi hairline.

Spanish Tapas: All You Need to Know

Trying Spanish tapas for the first time can be overwhelming because of the amazing combination of foods. However, most people who start with a little often want more. Most people try their first Spanish tapas at a Spanish event or restaurant, so it’s often hard to tell a good tapa from a bad one. This ...

Mike West

Different types of tapas.

Turning Trash Into Valuable Graphene in a Flash

While recycling efforts have evolved over the years, turning trash into graphene provides both environmental and business advantages. Find out more about how this recycling method can create a lucrative business. The problem many businesses and organizations have with recycling methods is that they are rarely efficient and even more rarely profitable. However, turning trash ...

Mike West


The Irish Ballad ‘Danny Boy’ Explained: Why It’s Important

Ever heard of the traditional Irish song Danny Boy and wondered what it means? Find out more about the roots of this song and how it’s played an important part in Irish history. While Danny Boy is known by some as an old Irish tune resembling the newer You Raise Me Up sung by Josh ...

Mike West

Irish countryside.

White Rice Explained: Is It Healthy or Not?

Rice is the primary staple food for more than half the world’s population — with Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South America the largest consuming regions. The bulk of global rice is classified as Oryza sativa, a plant species believed to have originated in Asia from the Graminaceae (grass) family. Although brown rice is promoted as “healthier” because of ...

Mike West

A bowl of white rice.

Super Strong Tape Made From Japanese Paper-Cutting Art

Japanese paper-cutting art, known as kirigami, is an ancient technique used to create art. It’s a very straightforward technique that involves cutting paper to create a reliably strong, but aesthetically pleasing, fragile piece of paper art. Now, this process is being applied to make super-strong tape. Kirigami is a variation of origami, the Japanese art of folding paper. The ...

Mike West

The art of kirigami.