Raven Montmorency

The Cultural Interpretations of Seeing Shooting Stars

Various types of celestial events have enchanted humans. With the progress of science and technology, the underlying factors of such cosmic events have been discovered. However, people still associate mythological tales with such events. You will find many such myths and folklore associated with shooting stars. But first, let’s learn about the science behind shooting ...

Raven Montmorency

A shooting star in the night sky.

A Guide to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Things do not go as per plans in life, and everyone copes with hardships, more or less. These, coupled with personal or professional stress and various adverse developments, can adversely affect your self-confidence. Feeling down or reacting to negativity in a given situation will not help your confidence. Thus, it is essential to boost your ...

Raven Montmorency


A Guide for Fitness Over 60

Fitness over 60 is essential to getting the most from life. Some people stay pretty fit by keeping up with a busy lifestyle until they age. Others have just never gotten around to exercising much, and it starts to show. Either way, if you’re pushing 60 or you’ve already passed that milestone, it’s time to ...

Raven Montmorency

Elderly people walking for exercise.

The Biggest Birds in the World

Birds are pretty fascinating creatures, and they come in such wide varieties. From a small species like a hummingbird that can fit in your pals to mighty eagles with huge wingspans, the variety of avian species can be mind-blowing. Some bird species tend to be large-sized, and that includes some of the predatory birds. However, ...

Raven Montmorency

An elephant bird.

Forgiveness, a Powerful Tool for Empowering and Healing Yourself

There are times when people wrong us or harm us intentionally or unintentionally. Getting angry with them is the most natural reaction in such situations. Feelings of revenge may even pop up. But what about feelings of forgiveness? Have you stopped to think that all your reactions may hurt and harm yourself? Buddha said: “You ...

Raven Montmorency

White stones spelling forgive.

5 Questions You Can Ask Your Grandparents to Get to Know Them Better

Direct human communication always brings out hidden treasures from people. One of the best examples in this regard is communicating with your grandparents. They are a wealth of information — some of which may help your daily life. If you have your grandparents around you, consider yourself lucky. You will learn a lot about your ...

Raven Montmorency

Grandparents with their grandchildren.

10 Ways to Overcome Despair

As anyone who has experienced it firsthand can attest, despair is a fearsome foe. It drains our energy and motivation, tells us that we are unworthy of happiness, and threatens to engulf us. Despair is the kind of emotional pain that feels impossible to escape from. And yet, somehow, people do find their way out ...

Raven Montmorency

Signs for hope and despair.

Why Hydrotherapy Is Good for Acne

You may cope with numerous skin ailments and infections, some of which can be annoying. Acne deserves mention among many skin problems that do not lead to severe consequences but make the victims suffer. These skin eruptions, sometimes with reddish appearance and stiffness, may make you embarrassed, affect self-esteem and act like a pestering nuisance. ...

Raven Montmorency

Severe acne on the face.

10 Tips on How to Limit Screen Time for Children

Screen time. You love it, your children love it, but is it really good for them? Turns out that the jury is still out on that one. Perhaps your children are spending too much time on the screen, or you’re worried about the negative effects of screens on developing brains. We’ve got some tips on ...

Raven Montmorency

A mother scolding her young daughter for being on the phone.