Featured, Sustainable Living

Are Asian Children Too Smart for the American Education System?

Despite many Asian children coming from poor immigrant families where they often struggle to make ends meet, education is held in the highest regard, the ultimate success marker. But, unfortunately, parents of students of other races don’t know what to do. Leveling the playing field with Asian children The city is struggling to figure out ...

Max Lu

Young Chinese boy writing in a notebook.

How Licorice Can Help Your Stomach Troubles

Licorice is a very beneficial herbal remedy that has been used throughout antiquity in both Western and Eastern countries. Today, it’s more known for its flavor in sweets, such as black licorice twists. In the past, before pharmaceutical medicine existed, herbal medicine was used in the home to manage minor health concerns before they became ...

Raven Montmorency

Licorice root and licorice root powder sitting on a wooden surface.

Why a Woman Is the Feng Shui of the Family

The most profound character in Chinese is “安,” pronounced “aan,” meaning peace. It is comprised of two parts — the top is a roof, and the bottom is a woman, meaning that a home makes her settled, and a home with a woman gives a man peace. When she is kind and decent, she brings happiness and good fortune ...

Emma Lu

A senior woman with hands on hips stands outside a two-story brick house with a smile on her face.

Top Tips to Keep Healthy Teeth

Teeth are the front line of the digestive system. It is essential to one’s overall well-being to maintain healthy teeth. Bad teeth affect chewing and become a burden on the body’s other digestive organs. Missing teeth can lead to gum recession and impact speech and looks. According to Dr. Mark Breiner DDS, the quality of the ...

Helen London

A couple sharing big smiles.

Your Child’s 8 Golden Years

Every parent wants to understand their child’s developmental stages, such as motor skills, language, socialization, and emotional development. But how much do we know, and how should we influence them in their early years? The Yale University Child Development Institute, tracked the growth of thousands of children to help parents set realistic expectations of their ...

Raven Montmorency

Young boy and girl about to race.

Cancer Patients’ Lives Prolonged by Meditation Practice

Thirty thousand cancer experts recently attended the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. A paper from the U.S. Cancer Society was presented showing how the meditation practice of Falun Gong has prolonged the lives of cancer patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. The article garnered a lot of attention from those in attendance. ...

Armin Auctor

Asian woman outside by a pond with a serene expression on her face practicing 'Falun Standing Stance,' the second exercise of Falun Gong.

Zhou Youguang: A 111-Year-Old’s Secrets to Longevity

Zhou Youguang passed away on January 14, 2017, just one day after his 111th birthday. In his younger days, he was a professor of economics and a finance expert. After turning 50, Zhou Youguang turned his focus to linguistics. In three years, he invented pinyin, the official Romanization standard of the Chinese written language. Zhou Youguang ...

Armin Auctor

Zhou Youguang sitting at his desk.

How to Be Supportive Without Rescuing Your Husband

There is something on which we all agree: It is important to balance life by keeping all priorities in mind. This also stands true for relationships, particularly those closest to your heart. It is important to be supportive, but without attempting to rescue your loved one. We often tend to overdo things to rescue our near ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman sitting with a man in a restaurant with a worried expression on her face while he talks.

Is an Asian Diet Healthier?

There is a notion that an Asian diet is mostly healthier than the common Western diet. Is this really true? And if yes, what makes the Asian diet healthier than the regular Western diet? There are several aspects of Asian food that, according to some experts, often make it a healthier alternative to Western food. Traditional Asian foods mainly use cooking ...

Hermann Rohr

A bowl containing rice topped with stir-fried broccoli, beef, yellow and green squash, tomatoes, peppers, and green onions with white sesame seeds sprinkled on top.

More Sea Creatures to Wear Discarded COVID Masks for the Next 500 Years

Images of sea creatures wearing discarded COVID masks touch the heart.  According to a general understanding, COVID masks are supposed to be credible protection against the COVID-19 virus. For example, preventing drops of saliva from spreading from one person to another. But what many don’t know is that while the virus may (or may not) ...

Hermann Rohr

Discarded COVID mask in water on a beach.