
Amazing Quotes About Character and Life by Greeks and Laozi

People often have a mistaken notion that intelligence is something modern and that the ancients were not as wise as we are now. If you harbor such beliefs, the following words of wisdom from ancient Greek thinkers and the Chinese philosopher Laozi about character and life should change your opinion. Greek quotes about character Heraclitus (535 ...

Emma Lu

The Greek philosopher Plato.

How the Great Physician Hua Tuo Treated Illness

Many great medical experts of ancient times were Taoists with high moral values. Their self-cultivation enabled them to attain supernatural powers. Famous physician Hua Tuo of the Three Kingdoms period was one such Taoist. His methods of treatment could be very unique at times, too. There was an official in the provinces who fell gravely ...

Helen London

A Brilliant Army Strategy: Outwitting 150,000 Enemies Using a Lute

When it comes to defeating 150,000 soldiers, you might think that a large force made up of at least an equal number of soldiers would be required. But a Chinese General named Zhuge Liang (181 to 234) took care of this task with a musical instrument — a lute. The lute strategy Liang lived during ...

Max Lu

A Chinese lute.

A Famous Medicinal Herb Merchant in Chang’an During the Tang Dynasty

In the mid-period of the Tang Dynasty, there was a herb merchant named Song Qing who lived in the capital of Chang’an in the western part of the city. During that time, there was a well-known adage that held: “Medicinal herb merchant Song Qing is a person with righteous thinking.” Being a humble merchant, how ...

Michael Segarty

A herbal apothecary.

Genius and Beauty: What Zhuge Liang Valued

Zhuge Liang was an ancient Chinese military strategist during the Three Kingdoms era of China, 220-280. His parents passed away when he was very young. He then moved to Long Zhong, approximately 13 kilometers away from Xiangyang, Hubei, China, with his uncle. Zhuge Liang was talented, tall, and very handsome. Despite these attributes, he was ...

Helen London

The Summer Palace in Beijing.

Your Principles Reflect Your Character

There is a saying: “Principles are the basis of success.” What are the principles of a man? To judge if someone is good, we do not look at the number of good deeds that he performs. Rather, we have to see if he can adhere to his principles and live up to his own conscience. ...

Helen London

A rock balanced atop another rock.

Chinese Idiom: ‘Where Water Flows, a Channel Will Form’

A popular Chinese idiom — ‘Where water flows, a channel will form’ — basically conveys the idea that success will come naturally when the conditions necessary for such success are fulfilled. There is an interesting story behind how this saying originated. The story behind the Chinese idiom Back during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), there lived a man ...

Emma Lu

Water flowing over rocks.

Upholding Integrity: We Are Family

Throughout Chinese history, every successive dynasty would treat the people and the royal families of the previous dynasty with courtesy and respect. This was done as a way of demonstrating scrupulous regard for the great emperors of the past and upholding integrity. To show respect to the people of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of ...

Emma Lu

A square bronze ding.

Trust Enables Hero Guan Zhong

Guan Zhong (723 ~ 645 B.C.) was born in what is today’s Anhui Province. He and Bao Shuya had been very close since they were young. Guan Zhong’s family was poor and often received help from Bao Shuya. Bao Shuya never complained about this. Soon, they served different masters. Bao Shuya served Xiao Bai and ...

Helen London

A statue of Guan Zhong.

Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations: Winning the Admiration of the Gods

The ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once stated: “Here is a rule to remember in the future when anything tempts you to feel bitter: Do not think ‘This is misfortune,’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.’” Marcus Aurelius was an advocate of temperance and developing the ability to take self-interest and sentiments lightly. He ...

Nspirement Staff

'The Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius,' Eugène Delacroix.