Mind & Spirit

The Righteous Way Is the Most Valuable

The journey has many turns and twists. The righteous way of dealing with all conditions and circumstances of life is the most valuable, as eventually, the outcome is always rewarding and fruitful. Toward the end of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), a plague spread in a village in southern China. A road through the village divided ...

Emma Lu

A woman in water praying.

When Facing Adversity, if You Do Your Best, You Thrive

One way or another, at some time or another and at the worst possible time, adversity will show up at your door. Depending on the way you handle it, whether it is physical, spiritual, or emotional, adversity can be your friend or foe. Facing adversity can make you or break you. “If a man is ...

Tatiana Denning

A plant growing amoung rocks.

The Goodness of Perseverance

The dictionary definition of perseverance lets us know that it is continued effort; to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition; the action or condition or an instance of persevering; steadfastness. Perseverance. It’s not something you are really taught, and sometimes you are not even sure if you have it — until you are ...

Tatiana Denning

Mountain climber climbs up icy mountain using ice pick.

Chinese and Western Prophecies for 2021 Warn of Disasters

Many Chinese and Western prophecies for 2021 predict disasters. The Yellow Emperor Di Mu Jing is an ancient book of predictions expressed in poetry that has been widely circulated among Chinese people for thousands of years. It is said that it can predict the rise and fall of an individual’s fortune, crop yields, and livestock ...

Mikel Davis

Colorful sunset at sea near Polynesia.

Learning Life Lessons Living With a Brain Tumor

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” — Thomas Paine Ever since I’ve known him, Larry Cluff has been a go-getter. Nothing could get him down, not even a brain tumor. In fact, it was his tenacity and determination that made him among the top cross-country runners ...

Tatiana Denning

A silboat sailing into the sunset.

Mystical Udumbara Flowers Bloom Once Every 3,000 Years

In recent years, the mysterious udumbara flowers have been sighted all over the world. This flower is ultra-mystical and it is said to bloom once every 3,000 years. Strangely, it grows on any medium and on some really surprising surfaces, such as glass, paper, Buddha statues, and so on. The blossom of this plant is ...

Mikel Davis

Udumbara flowers on a Buddha statue.

German Inventor Given a Second Life by Practicing Falun Gong

Johannes Dörndorfer is a renowned genius in the world of technological innovation in Germany. He has obtained 15 international patents in electronics, engines, and batteries and also won awards in various technological competitions. His aptitude as an inventor is the ability to foresee the future direction of technological development and also to lead others in ...

Mikel Davis

Johannes Dörndorfer receiving the 2015 GreenTec Award.

Emmanuel Yeboah: Breaking the Deadly Curse

Ghana is a Sub-Saharan country where disability is widely believed to be a curse. Ghana’s estimated 2 million disabled people do not have many options for a decent livelihood. So Emmanuel Yeboah decided to break this curse. This situation urged Emmanuel Yeboah to take up a 380-mile bicycle ride to prove disability does not mean ...

Michael Segarty

Emmanuel Ofosu Yehoah.

General Patton, a Soldier Inspired by God

Gen. George Patton, who fought in both world wars, is considered one of the most successful military leaders in American history. In his years of service, he faced a critical moment in the battle between good and evil. Most of the world’s research on him centers around his combat tactics and leadership style, while his ...

Raven Montmorency

General George S. Patton, a Bible and a cross.