Sustainable Living

3 Ways to Save for Retirement Without a 401(k)

In the U.S., a 401(k) account is the most popular way people save for retirement. Employers match your contributions and you also get tax benefits with the account. However, not every American citizen has a retirement account, with estimates suggesting that only about half of the working-class population has a 401(k). But this is not ...

Raven Montmorency

A golden piggy bank.

Ever Wondered Why Nordic Nations Are Ranked the Best Places to Live?

In the World Happiness Report 2018, the Nordic nations of Finland, Denmark, and Norway were ranked as the three happiest nations in the world. This isn’t surprising since these countries have been ranked consistently at the top in similar studies over the past few years. So why are Nordic societies considered the happiest places to ...

Jenny Low

Why the Japanese Have the Longest Life Expectancy

According to a World Health Organization report published in 2016, the life expectancy in Japan is 83.7 years. Japan has ranked the highest in this category for 20 straight years. The average lifespan of Japanese males and females is a record-high 80.5 and 86.8 years, respectively. What are the secrets to their longevity? Below are ...

Nspirement Staff

Elderly couple in Japan.

Are Intelligent Buildings the Future of Human Accommodation?

Over the past few years, the concept of intelligent buildings has caught the fancy of property developers and buyers. Intelligent buildings are those that use various technologies and processes to make sure that the occupants living inside them are safe and that the building itself runs as optimally and efficiently as possible. Pros and cons ...

Nspirement Staff

A large company building.

5 Uses of Salt Combined With Tea Leaves

Traditionally Chinese people have always had an affinity for drinking tea, especially after a meal or when spending time with friends. The benefits of drinking tea alone or shared are many. Salt is another household necessity that is used daily by most people and is found in nearly every home. Salt combined with tea can ...

Nspirement Staff

Tea plants.

East Asia New Threat to Ozone Recovery

Earlier this year, the United Nations announced some much-needed positive news about the environment: The ozone layer, which shields the Earth from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation, and which was severely depleted by decades of human-derived, ozone-destroying chemicals, is on the road to ozone recovery. The dramatic turnaround is a direct result of regulations set ...

Troy Oakes

The sun shining through a tunnel of clouds.

Simple Way to Massively Improve Crop Loss Simulations

In a new study, researchers with NASA, the University of Chicago, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research added data on when each specific region plants and harvests its crops — and found it was the single most effective way to improve crop loss simulations. Droughts or heat waves have consequences that spread beyond ...

Troy Oakes

People Can Sustainably Share Resources, Under Some Conditions

In an analysis of eight case studies from around the world — from foragers in Australia to mangrove fishers in Ecuador — researchers found that people can successfully sustainably share resources under certain conditions. Thus, there is no “tragedy” in the “tragedy of the commons,” according to a new analysis that challenges a widely accepted ...

Troy Oakes

Study Reveals Not Enough Fruits, Vegetables Grown to Feed the Planet

If everyone on the planet wanted to eat a healthy diet, there wouldn’t be enough fruit and vegetables to feed the planet, according to a new University of Guelph study. A team of researchers compared global agricultural production with nutritionists’ consumption recommendations and found a drastic mismatch. Study co-author Prof. Evan Fraser, holder of the ...

Troy Oakes

Ways to Improve Wind Farm Productivity

You’ve probably seen them, perhaps on long road trips — wind turbines with enormous, hypnotic rolling blades, harnessing the clean power of wind for conversion into electric energy. What you may not know is that for the explosion in the number of wind turbines in use as we embrace cleaner sources of energy, these wind farms ...

Troy Oakes