
Prehistoric Worm ‘Superhighway’ Discovered

The sea bed in the deep ocean during the Cambrian period was thought to have been inhospitable to animal life because it lacked enough oxygen to sustain it. But research published in the scientific journal Geology reveals the existence of fossilized worm tunnels dating back to the Cambrian period­­ 270 million years before the evolution of dinosaurs. ...

Troy Oakes

Indian Man Who Planted 5 Million Trees Is Now at Rest

A 96-year-old Indian man, Vishweshwar Dutt Saklani, who had planted more than 5 million trees in his region, died recently, much to the dismay of relatives and environmental activists. Due to his love for trees, Vishweshwar was nicknamed the “Tree Man.” This Indian man was a lover of trees Born in 1922 in the Tehri ...

Nspirement Staff

Vishweshwar Dutt Saklani with his family.

Mega-Storm Due to Hit California Soon

The state of California might soon be devastated by a mega-storm that produces precipitation at levels only experienced once every 500 to 1,000 years. Experts have named it the ARkStorm, short for Atmospheric River 1000, to signify that it is a one-in-a-thousand-year mega event. Impact of a mega-storm According to a report by the U.S. ...

Jack Roberts

Massive lightning storm over a city.

Biologist Discovers Megalodon Went Extinct Earlier Than Thought

Megalodon — a giant predatory shark that has inspired numerous documentaries, books, and blockbuster movies — likely went extinct at least 1 million years earlier than previously thought, according to new research published in PeerJ — the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences. Earlier research, which used a worldwide sample of fossils, suggested that the 50-foot-long, giant ...

Troy Oakes

Megalodon extinction graphical abstract.

Massive Earthquake Reveals Mountains 660 Kilometers Below Our Feet

Most schoolchildren learn that the Earth has three (or four) layers — a crust, mantle, and core, which is sometimes subdivided into an inner and outer core. That’s not wrong, but it does leave out several other layers that scientists have identified within the Earth, including the transition zone within the mantle. A massive earthquake ...

Troy Oakes

We May Be 140 Years From Carbon Levels Not Seen in 56 Million Years

Total human carbon levels emissions could match those of Earth’s last major greenhouse warming event in fewer than five generations, new research finds. A new study finds humans are pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a rate 9 to 10 times higher than the greenhouse gas was emitted during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), ...

Troy Oakes

Coral reef.

Viktor Schauberger: The Man Who Taught Us Water Is Alive

Before Dr. Masuru Emoto proposed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water, Austrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) said something far more fascinating. He theorized that water is alive. Viktor Schauberger’s living water “Were water actually what hydrologists deem it to be — a chemically inert substance — then a long ...

Troy Oakes

Record Snow Continues to Trouble Seattle

Citizens of Seattle are battling through massive amounts of snow. The weather has taken everyone by surprise and has virtually brought normal life to a standstill. Roads are covered with snow, making it difficult to drive, while the cold weather keeps people inside their homes most of the day. Seattle covered in snow According to estimates, ...

Armin Auctor

Snow in Seattle.

HAARP: An Instrument for Modifying Weather?

The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was a science project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force. Its stated objective was to study the earth’s ionosphere. However, HAARP is popular for a different reason. Many people believe that the program’s real ...

Armin Auctor

HAARP system for controlling weather.

Is Global Warming the Reason for the Extreme Cold in America?

With the U.S. experiencing one of its worst bouts of freezing cold temperatures, global warming has once again become a hot topic across all media. In some places, people have been advised to stop venturing outside their homes. Freezing cold caused by global warming The big freeze is said to be the result of a ...

Nspirement Staff

Heavy winter snow.