Health by Nature

Berry-Coconut Protein Snack (Gluten-Free)

Are you looking for a nutritionally balanced protein-rich snack to keep you feeling full for longer? These coconut berry protein balls are a great food prep idea for weight loss and balanced eating. A really easy gluten-free, allergen-friendly snack that tastes great and will give you a welcomed refreshment during the hot season. You really ...

Health by Nature

What Causes Chronic Stress and How to Shift It

Chronic stress is one of the main reasons you get sick. Humans are born healthy by nature. It’s often the environment, your lifestyle, and the mental habits you expose yourself to that eventually result in a state of stress that depletes the body of its healthy resources and leads to illness and chronic fatigue. In ...

Health by Nature

Detoxifying Recipe: Parsley Liver Detox Dip

Looking for a nutritionally balanced snack that your liver will love you for? This quick and tasty herbal dip to boost liver detox is my go-to for food prep at the beginning of my week. Isn’t it great how sauces and dips transform ordinary meals with flavor and nutrients? This detoxifying recipe can be used ...

Health by Nature

How to Overcome Health Problems Naturally

“Health by Nature” shows you how to use natural wisdom to power your mind and feed your body. Would you like to know how to overcome health problems naturally? Every person has the potential to power the body and elevate the mind to its optimal state. We can heal ourselves. You can be inspired to ...

Health by Nature

How to Lower Your Stress to Lose Weight

Chronic stress usually leads to weight gain, so if you understand what is going on, you can work out how to lower your stress to lose weight. In this video, you will learn about the core reason for stress and how it affects the body. If a state of stress prevails for a longer period ...

Health by Nature

Dealing With Emotional Eating (COVID-19 Special)

Need some tips in dealing with emotional eating? We live in unsettling times. Emotions are peaking daily as we hear the news and reports of COVID-19 cases. The first thing many people do under stress is to reach for food. For many people, stress-eating is not just a pattern, it has even become second nature. ...

Health by Nature

What Are the Health Benefits of Genetic Testing? (DNA Testing)

Want to know the health benefits of genetic testing? Did you know you can improve your immunity and lose weight through genetic testing? What if you could look into the making of your body and figure out what nutrients you need to run efficiently? Imagine you could take a peek at the software of your ...

Health by Nature

7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Include in Your Diet

Would you like to know the best anti-inflammatory foods to include in your diet? All of us get inflammation at some point in our lives. There is no disease that does not have an inflammatory component to it. There are some positive aspects to inflammation, but chronic inflammation is a different story and needs to ...

Health by Nature

Best Foods to Eat for Brain Function

Do you know the best foods to eat for brain function? I have listed my top food picks to improve brain health naturally. Why is this important? It’s possible that you have heard of some foods known for brain clarity and focus, but have you worked out how to include them in your daily meals? ...

Health by Nature