Just Strange

Discovery of an Invisible Organ: The Meridians

In 2018, American scientists published an article in the journal Scientific Reports of Nature, stating that they had uncovered an invisible organ called “interstitium.” Scientists say that the latest discoveries have revealed a “highway” of fluid flow in the human body. This highway seems to be everywhere — under the skin, lurking around the arteries ...

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Are Mermaids Aliens?

We all know that more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans and less than 30 percent is land. Remarkably, the vast oceans, which occupy the largest area of the planet, are almost completely unknown to us. In fact, according to experts, it is likely that we know less than 5 ...

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Gateway to the Spirit World: The Torsion Field

Can we actually read with our fingers? Can we communicate with the spirit world? The short answer is: Yes! But the secret lies in something known as the “torsion field.” The existence of the torsion field could be the key to understanding human supernormal abilities.

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Japanese Manga’s Shocking Prediction for 2025

A manga was released in Japan on July 1, 1999. However, the book hardly attracted any attention until March 11, 2011, when a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. Readers of the then 12-year-old manga, The Future I See, noticed the 2011 disaster was similar to what was predicted in the book. Since then, it has ...

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Myth or Truth? The Headless Race

Can you believe there could have been a “headless race” in history? They were usually gentle in nature, but could also be fearless warriors. It was even said that Alexander the Great did not invade China for fear of the headless race located further in East Asia. Yet, such a feared race mysteriously disappeared in ...

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Real-Life Supernormal Abilities

You’ve probably heard of the legendary Nikola Tesla. Tesla was a science genius, known as “the man who created the 20th century.” In his life, he developed and held more than 700 patents on his own and collaborated in the development of more than 1,000 items. Tesla said that his inventions and creations did not ...

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Is Time an Illusion?

In the hustle of our daily lives, we often hear people around us urging us to hurry up or we will not have enough time. Some say that they’re so busy they don’t have enough time. What is time? Is it when the Sun rises in the morning and changes when the Sun sets at ...

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Einstein: Is time an illusion?

The Last Da Vinci Code

Salvator Mundi, like all other Da Vinci paintings, hides an amazing secret. This kind of hidden message is often referred to as the “Da Vinci Code.” Are you curious about what the Da Vinci Code is in the Salvator Mundi and other famous works of the Renaissance genius? What is it that makes the Da ...

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Did the Soviets Almost Create a Zombie Army?

Insomnia appears to be a common phenomenon in the 21st century. Various studies around the world show 10 to 30 percent of the population suffer from insomnia. But can prolonged lack of sleep lead to people becoming like zombies and turn them into a zombie army? This video will talk about the Russian Sleep Experiment ...

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Did the Soviets almost create a zombie army?