Destiny and Moral Character: Insights From Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Backdoor deals can often be effective in trivial matters, such as acquiring scarce goods in the market or facilitating a job transfer. However, when it comes to significant issues of destiny, such as fame and fortune in taking the imperial examination in ancient China, can these under-the-table tactics truly influence what seems predestined? The following ...

Mikel Davis

Wooden path winding through an autumn landscape.

Empress Jiang: A Paragon of Virtue and Wisdom in Ancient China

In the annals of Chinese history, the mention of wise and influential empresses invariably brings us to Empress Jiang, the queen who successfully guided King Xuan of Zhou, the 11th monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.). Her story is not just about advising a king; it’s a narrative of moral strength, strategic counsel, ...

Mikel Davis

Oil painting of pink peonies.

Emperor Tang Taizong: A Legacy of Seeking Talent in Ancient China

Emperor Tang Taizong, renowned for establishing one of the most formidable empires in history, owes much of his success to his exceptional talent in identifying and utilizing gifted individuals. A prominent example of his ability to discern talent was in the rise of Ma Zhou, who evolved from a humble background to become the Prime ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of the face of Emperor Tang Taizong.

Giant Eagles and Scavenging Vultures Shared the Skies of Ancient Australia

Today, Australia is home to 17 species of hawks and eagles. But the fossil record shows some other, rather special raptors were present in the relatively recent past. Tens of thousands of years ago, Australia was home to species such as Dynatoaetus gaffae, the largest eagle ever to have lived in Australia, and Cryptogyps lacertosus, ...

Troy Oakes

Eagles and vultures in ancient Australia.

Guiding Integrity: The Upright and Honest Advisors of Ancient China

In ancient China’s history, wisdom and integrity were paramount virtues. Rulers often sought counsel when faced with perplexing matters, including unsettling dreams and omens. Those endowed with good character, like Yan Zi and Gongsun Sheng, diligently fulfilled their duties, prioritizing their responsibilities over personal gain or safety. Yan Zi’s wise counsel and integrity Duke Jing ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man dressed in the robes of an ancient Chinese official.

Mastering the Art of Speech: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Speech is more than mere communication; it’s a form of spiritual discipline deeply ingrained in our daily lives. Without proper attention to this aspect, numerous troubles can arise, as words wield the power to shape realities and relationships. Insights from Wang Yangming Wang Yangming, a renowned philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, provided a profound lesson ...

Emma Lu

Cartoon drawing of two men in suits having a conversation.

Beware the Illusions of Fortune: Ancient Chinese Wisdom on Premature Celebrations

Life is indeed full of unexpected twists and delightful surprises. Yet, in the fabric of fortune, ancient Chinese wisdom cautions against early celebrations in times of apparent joy. Millennials are well-accustomed to seeking continual happiness and evading misfortune, aspiring for an uninterrupted streak of good fortune. However, vintage insights suggest a more restrained approach, especially ...

Max Lu

Church decorated with flowers for a wedding.

Lessons from Ancient Chinese Statesmen: Tolerance Brings Blessings

The ancient Chinese placed great emphasis on self-cultivation and moral development, believing that tolerance was a form of wisdom. A generous spirit and a kind-hearted approach to others not only accumulated good deeds, but also attracted good fortune and improved the character of others. Leading with composure and tolerance During the era of the Three ...

Tatiana Denning

Illustration of Jiang Wan, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Shu during China's Warring States Period.