A Young Man’s Compassion Helps Save His Village

Many folklores and myths tell us the origin of our world, stars, and the moon. They also offer moral lessons about virtues such as compassion, generosity, love, patience, and more while discouraging greed, trickery, and envy, among other vices.  However, most traditional folktales and myths are fading away with the spread of technology. Today’s knowledge ...

Nathan Machoka

A mouse sitting on a log.

6 Proven Positive Discipline Techniques That Work!

Positive discipline is a revolutionary approach to parenting that has been gaining popularity among experts in recent years. This method emphasizes positive reinforcement and building a child’s self-esteem and sense of responsibility rather than relying solely on punishment. Imagine a world where children are taught right from wrong through encouragement and praise rather than fear ...

Ratul Saha

Positive discipline.

Why Is Finland the Happiest Country in the World?

The 2022 UN World Happiness Report showed that Finland has ranked as the happiest country in the world five times in a row.  A lecturer, philosopher, and psychologist Mr. Frank Martela, from the Aalto University in Finland, stated that there were three things the Finnish always abided by. Is it possible that these qualities are ...

Emma Lu

Helsinki, Finland.

The Elder of Yue Nan: A Story of Greed and Karma

In ancient India, there was an elderly rich man who had wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation, but he didn’t have the generosity to match his wealth. He was stingy, jealous, and ruthless. Before he died, he told his son not to give alms to others. Unexpectedly, he was reincarnated as a blind ...

Mikel Davis

The word 'karma.'

Greed Can Make People Do All Kinds of Evil

Greed is a powerful emotion that can drive people to do all kinds of evil in the pursuit of wealth and power. It is a destructive force that can corrupt even the most well-intentioned individuals, causing them to put their own self-interest above the well-being of others. Whether it is through fraud, manipulation, or exploitation, ...

Mikel Davis

Hands reach toward a pile of gold coins.

Can a Lack of Sleep Make You Selfish?

A recent study by academics at the University of California, Berkeley, demonstrates that a bad night’s sleep might impact how helpful and charitable you are. Inadequate rest has been connected to a higher risk of heart disease, depression, diabetes, hypertension, and total mortality. However, current research indicates that lack of sleep weakens our fundamental social ...

Ratul Saha

Alarm clock on a bedside table.

Why You Should Prioritize Respect Over Popularity

Everyone loves some extra attention. However, should you sacrifice your self-respect for that attention? No, of course not. To understand your preference, let’s compare respect vs. popularity on a board level.  Comparison between respect and popularity  The distinction between popularity and respect is that one is concerned with outward appearance, while the other is concerned with the ...

Ratul Saha

A man and a woman having a conversation.

Schindler of the East: John Rabe (Part 1)

This is a two-part story; please go here for Part 2 John Rabe, a German businessman, is known to the world for setting up a safe zone during the Second Sino-Japanese War in China (1937-1945) and saving 250,000 Chinese people. But a choice he made caused him to regret his lifestyle. John Rabe was born ...

Helen London

Portrait of John Rabe.

The Power of Filial Piety to Change People’s Fate

Throughout history, many people were so righteous and filial that those around them were inspired to practice righteousness. Here are two stories of how filial piety changed people’s fate. Filial piety converts a robber During the Han Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhao Zi. After being appointed governor of Dunhuang, he became the highest ...

Tatiana Denning

Elderly Chinese couple standing outside their home in a village in China.