The Hardest Job in the Universe

What’s the hardest job you can think of? Construction, mining? That’s physically focused. How about brain surgery or an astronaut fixing the space station? These are all very difficult jobs, indeed, no doubt about that. High performance requires lots of dedication, and years of application before an everyday person can claim mastery. But there is ...

Raven Montmorency

A red sunset over the ocean.

Password123: Is This Your Password?

Setting all passwords to password123 or any of its variations is just not good enough. Why? Because everyone’s doing it, and the hackers know too well. According to a report by Securelink, 80 percent of all hacking is related to weak or stolen passwords. This does not just apply to personal computers, but to company networks ...

Armin Auctor

A hacker.

Make Your Marriage Work: It’s Worth It

There is a gorgeous poem by a Scottish poet named Robert Burns. He compares his lady love to a “red rose” and their relationship to “a melody that’s sweetly played in tune.” It describes a man and a woman who are deeply in love with each other. The poem evokes that wonderful feeling of wanting ...

Emma Lu

Wedding bands.

The Rhythms of Africa: Tribal Dances

On the continent of Africa, it is believed that everything has a rhythm. The baby in the womb is feeling the rhythm of its mother’s steps as she walks. The woman stamping the corn to make porridge for the family is like a heartbeat. The sound of voices rising up together in praise of the ...

Jessica Kneipp

Africans dancing.

Family Values You Should Teach Your Children

The modern era is highly individualist. The primary aim of every person is to satisfy their desires. Some say that such attitudes have created a generation of people who shun family values and related social norms, a behavioral shift they believe will take society down the path of ruin. How did it get to this ...

Emma Lu

Parents and their son.

Nitrogen in Permafrost Soils May Exert Great Feedbacks on Climate Changes

What nitrogen is getting up to in permafrost soils may exert great feedback on climate change, which overturns what researchers have long believed, according to a Sino-German joint study. Nitrogen is a constituent part of nitrous oxide (N2O) — an often overlooked greenhouse gas — and there is a vast amount of nitrogen stored in ...

Troy Oakes

Permafrost soil.

The 4 Arts of the Chinese Scholar

Many ancient cultures had a set of values that initiated specific periods of an individual’s life — when you entered adolescence, when you married, when you had a child, and when you entered middle age. At every step, Chinese scholars had to prove themselves worthy of that stage. There were things you needed to do ...

Emma Lu

A chinese zither.

Incredible Places to Visit in Taichung

Having surpassed Kaohsiung in 2017, Taichung is Taiwan’s second-largest city. With a more favorable climate than Taipei, Taichung is often called “the most livable city in Taiwan.” There’s so much to do in this metropolitan area with its large swaths of surrounding countryside. So where shall we start? Interesting places to visit in Taichung Rainbow ...

Emma Lu


What ‘Misbehaviour’ Tells Us About Racism and Feminism

In March, director Philippa Lowthorpe, acclaimed for the British TV series Three Girls, released her latest movie, Misbehaviour. Starring Keira Knightley, the movie follows the events of the 1970 Miss World competition that had to deal with racism and feminism. Synopsis Keira plays one of the central characters, Sally Alexander. Having strong views about women’s ...

Raven Montmorency

Keira Knightley plays the role of Sally Alexander.

Top 5 Coolest Concept Stores From Around the World

What is a concept store? It’s a retail outlet that sells a unique collection of products based on a theme designed by the brand. They’re mostly done to showcase curated stuff that appeals to a niche audience who is seeking a particular lifestyle. They focus on the experience rather than pure sales. Successful concept stores ...

Armin Auctor

Tianti bookstore.