accessibility, adaptive products, digni-tea mugs, dignity mugs, disability-friendly, inclusivity, nicola swann

The Story Behind Nicola Swann’s Creation of Disability-Friendly Mugs

Everyday activities often overlook the needs of people with disabilities, which led to Nicola Swann mugs becoming a symbol of inclusivity. Making them accessible for people with disabilities is more than just Nicola Swann’s hobby. It’s a story of kindness, creativity, and the search for dignity. Find out more about why Nicola started this adventure, ...

Viena Abdon

A dignity mug.

Technology Companies and Autism: A New Era of Inclusion

When you think of autism, what comes to mind? Quietness, sensitivity, or difficulty in communication? Often, in the professional world, individuals with autism can be quickly categorized, sometimes even labeled as unemployable. Yet, in the United States, a unique tech firm named “Auticon” has defied these stereotypes. Most of its workforce comprises individuals with autism, ...

Max Lu

Photo of a group of business people each holding a brightly colored gear and combining them to illustrate a teamwork concept.

Shining a Light on Access and Inclusion

Fifty-one 6-foot lighthouse sculptures on Chicago’s famed North Michigan Avenue will catch the public’s eye and capture their hearts this summer. Millions of visitors will see the diverse art display that asks the question: “How can I be a beacon for access and inclusion for people with disabilities?” Lighthouses on the Mag Mile™ is being presented ...

Monica Song

A display for the visually impaired.