accumulation of virtue, fortune teller, liu hongjing, tang dynasty

The Power of Virtue: The Story of Liu Hongjing

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a merchant named Liu Hongjing whose ancestors had lived between the Huai River and the sea for generations. He was always virtuous, but never boasted, so people didn’t know about him. Although his family was very wealthy, he did not resent when others took advantage of him, and he ...

Emma Lu

A single white lily flower.

Accumulation of Virtue by Ancestors and the Prosperity of Future Generations

Do we actually inherit rewards for the goodness accumulated by our ancestors? Some religions believe that we do. Is there a tangible connection between the virtuous lives of our ancestors, their sacrifices, and the prosperity bestowed on later generations? Chinese society is very patriarchal, and they will consider the future of their male offspring in ...

Michael Segarty

Precious stones.