aloe vera, beauty, diy, hair care, hair mask, natural remedies, scalp health

Tips for Choosing, Caring for, and Propagating Succulents With Ease

Discover the captivating world of succulents! People have grown fond of the beautiful varieties of succulent plants due to their interesting and diverse forms, colors, and textures. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a novice, succulents are an excellent choice for anyone. This guide is designed to help you select the best succulents for ...

Haidene Go

A jade plant.

Aloe Vera: Nature’s Healer and Its 7 Wondrous Health Benefits

There are more than three hundred (300) different kinds of aloe vera plants. Still, Aloe barbadensis (also known as aloe vera) is the most well-known and valued in the health and beauty industries for its curative qualities, according to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences. Aloe vera, also known as ...

Haidene Go

Commercial aloe vera field.

These Aloe Vera Face Masks Can Target Just About Any Skin Concern

With modernization taking over almost all parts of modern human life, going back to nature is the only safe way to ensure that your skin and body are well-cared for. Rush hours, meetings, an irregular diet, and the lack of exercise routines wreak havoc in the lives of working adults, but teenagers are also not ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman with an aloe vera face mask.