ancient china, chinese history, chinese military leaders, cultural heritage, di qing, heroism in history, historical figures, leadership lessons, military strategy, northern song dynasty, resilience and perseverance, transformation stories

From Deserter to Famed General: The Story of Di Qing

A true embodiment of the saying “a hero doesn’t fear a humble beginning,” Di Qing’s journey from a deserter, marked by a punitive tattoo, to a celebrated general is a tale of grit and determination. His rise was significantly influenced by the open-minded Emperor Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty and the encouraging chancellor Fan ...

Mikel Davis

Terracotta warrior statues.

Love, Betrayal, and Espionage in China’s Tang Dynasty

The Tubo Kingdom, established by ancient Tibetans between the 7th and 9th centuries, was a formidable power located on the Tibetan Plateau. During the reign of Songtsen Gampo, the kingdom underwent significant reforms, adopting the central administrative and military systems of the Tang Dynasty. These changes bolstered Tubo’s strength, enabling it to expand its territory, ...

Mikel Davis

The Tibetan plateau in spring.

The Sage Advice of Empress Ma

Empress Ma, the wife and wartime comrade of Zhu Yuanzhang, played a pivotal role during times of conflict and upheaval. She adeptly managed logistics and soothed the troops, contributing significantly to their collective victory. Humility in power Despite her elevated status after their triumph, Empress Ma remained grounded. Zhu Yuanzhang frequently lauded her resilience and ...

Mikel Davis

Portrait of Empress Ma of the Ming Dynasty on a hanging scroll.

Empress Jiang: A Paragon of Virtue and Wisdom in Ancient China

In the annals of Chinese history, the mention of wise and influential empresses invariably brings us to Empress Jiang, the queen who successfully guided King Xuan of Zhou, the 11th monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.). Her story is not just about advising a king; it’s a narrative of moral strength, strategic counsel, ...

Mikel Davis

Oil painting of pink peonies.

Emperor Tang Taizong: A Legacy of Seeking Talent in Ancient China

Emperor Tang Taizong, renowned for establishing one of the most formidable empires in history, owes much of his success to his exceptional talent in identifying and utilizing gifted individuals. A prominent example of his ability to discern talent was in the rise of Ma Zhou, who evolved from a humble background to become the Prime ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of the face of Emperor Tang Taizong.

The Power of Redemption: The Tale of Sun Hong

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook the profound lessons life experiences offer. The following is an intriguing tale from ancient China revolving around a man named Sun Hong and his journey of redemption. This story provides valuable insights into the importance of second chances, redemption’s power, and destiny’s role ...

Max Lu

A crowded city street.

The Importance of Honesty: Timeless Lessons From Chinese History

In Chinese history, honesty and trustworthiness are foundational tenets of life. They are noble qualities and sentiments that convey esteem for others and respect for oneself. People are naturally opposed to the kind of promises that are fake and shallow, and even more so opposed to ugly acts of deceit and treachery. Here are some ...

Michael Segarty

Illustration of plum blossoms and a fisherman in Chinese painting style.

Guiding Integrity: The Upright and Honest Advisors of Ancient China

In ancient China’s history, wisdom and integrity were paramount virtues. Rulers often sought counsel when faced with perplexing matters, including unsettling dreams and omens. Those endowed with good character, like Yan Zi and Gongsun Sheng, diligently fulfilled their duties, prioritizing their responsibilities over personal gain or safety. Yan Zi’s wise counsel and integrity Duke Jing ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man dressed in the robes of an ancient Chinese official.

Integrity Above All: 3 Stories of Ancient China’s Upright Officials

In the annals of Chinese history, the legacy of integrity and righteousness has been long cherished and revered. Tales of principled officials who stood firm in the face of temptation and upheld the virtues of ethical governance have been passed down through generations, serving as moral compasses for both the rulers and the ruled. These ...

Emma Lu

Liu Tongxun.