anemia, astronauts, earth, red blood cells, space, space travel

How Can This Lucky Iron Fish Make You Stronger?

The Lucky Iron Fish is a simple, reusable, and effective cooking tool that adds extra iron to foods or drinks. It is an affordable solution, especially for those with anemia.  Anemia, which is an iron deficiency, is a very common health problem around the world, particularly in developing countries where they don’t have sufficient food or nutritional supplements. Canadian ...

Wilma Oakes

Lucky iron fish.

Natural Remedies for Anemia

In Japan, many people have varying degrees of anemia caused by hectic schedules and work stress, seriously affecting their health. To relieve this problem, Japanese nutritionists developed several nutritious and delicious blood-enriching recipes for workers. Recipes for anemia 1. Tomatoes + yogurt Iron is an indispensable element for preventing and improving anemia and can be easily ...

Emma Lu

Natural remedies for anemia.

What You Need to Know About Iron Deficiency Anemia

Among the hundreds of types of anemia, the most commonly seen one is iron deficiency anemia. People have always known that iron is important for the human body. In medieval England and France, people used to drink wine that contained dissolved fine iron metal filings in a bid to treat anemia. A person contracts anemia ...

Emma Lu

Red blood cells.