anti-aging, cholesterol management, coffee benefits, deskbound lifestyle, digestion aid, diuretic benefits, dry eye prevention, fat reduction, gallstone prevention, hangover cure, mental alertness, muscle strength, pain relief, stress relief, traditional chinese medicine

4 Heart-Healthy Superfruits With Anti-Aging Benefits

Fruits are delicious and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them beneficial for health. This article highlights four superfruits—blueberries, cherries, mulberries, and raspberries — that are particularly effective for anti-aging and heart health, reducing the risk of heart disease. Additionally, we’ll explore their various health benefits and the best ways to consume them. 4 ...

Mikel Davis

A bowl containing ripe raspberries, cherries, and mulberries with mint leaves as garnish.

Anti-Aging Strategies: Achieving Youthful Vitality

Your body functions like a house that’s constantly undergoing “destruction” and “construction.” Aging, in essence, is when the body’s rate of destruction surpasses that of construction. By adopting the right methods to enhance bodily construction over destruction, you can not only slow down aging, but potentially reverse it, achieving a more youthful state. Strategies to ...

Mikel Davis

Mature couple embracing at the beach.

The Health Benefits of Black Fungus: Nature’s Aspirin

With the serious environmental pollution in modern society, detoxification has become a hot topic in health care. Notably, black fungus (also known as wood ear or cloud ear fungus) stands out for its remarkable health benefits. Renowned as the “aspirin of the food world,” it boasts a variety of advantages, including beautifying the skin, detoxifying ...

Mikel Davis

Black fungus salad with soy sauce and horseradish.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Secrets: 3 Steps for Youthful Skin

The condition of your skin, complexion, and hair significantly impacts your appearance. Wrinkles around your eyes and lines on your cheeks can make you look older. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you three steps to fight aging and rejuvenate your skin. Practice these steps daily to reduce wrinkles and give your skin a more youthful appearance. ...

Mikel Davis

Asian female smiling with smooth skin.

5 Types of Flower Tea to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

Are you a female under stress? Do you find yourself working overtime? Not getting enough sleep? Well, ladies, a cup of flower tea may be just what the doctor ordered to help improve your health and wellbeing.  In today’s fast-paced society, women often work long days. Whether it be their jobs, needing to care for ...

Tatiana Denning

A cup of rose tea.

6 Ways Grapes Promote Longevity and Anti-Aging

Not only are they delicious and high in nutritional value, but grapes are also great anti-aging food. In addition, while their sugar content is high, they have a low glycemic index, meaning people with diabetes can enjoy them in moderation. 6 known health benefits of eating grapes 1. Anti-aging They are rich in anthocyanins and ...

David Jirard

Grapes growing on a vine.

Your State of Mind Impacts Your Health

Scientists have observed that our moral state of mind affects our health. For example, people who lack patience age faster while people with a loving heart tend to be healthier, and honest people are even better off. Your state of mind impacts aging The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published a study in January ...

Emma Lu

Man holding helium-filled balloons at the beach in the shape of a heart.

3 Steps for a Younger Appearance

The condition of one’s skin, complexion, and hair have a considerable influence on a person’s appearance. Traditional Chinese medicine techniques include these three steps for maintaining a younger appearance. To have a younger appearance, follow these steps 1. Sleep at the right time When you have a dull skin tone, fine lines and spots, and ...

David Jirard

A Buddha statue lying on a bed.

Eat Black Beans for Detoxification and Anti-Aging

Black beans are an often-overlooked treasure. In addition to their delicious flavor, black beans contain things such as polyphenols, unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber, all of which provide an array of health benefits. In order to gain some of these benefits, we have a couple of tasty recipes you can try, which will not only ...

Tatiana Denning

Dried black beans.