arrogant, avoidance, backing down, bullies, bully, downplay, ignorance, respect, tolerance

5 Magic Words of Wisdom to Deal With Bullies

There have always been bullies for as long as there have been social relationships. Nowadays, more than ever, there are more ways of being bullied than ever, especially with the internet. So, how does one deal with a bully? 5 magic words to deal with a bully In ancient China, people followed a 5-word mentality ...

Hermann Rohr

Boy being bullied by bigger boy.

How a Blooming Flower Taught a Young Monk Not to Show Off

Once, there was a homeless youth who went to a temple where he was fortunate enough to be accepted. After he had a bath and shaved his head, the young monk looked quite attractive. The temple master took care of him and taught him basic lessons. He was quite smart and diligent, and soon the master ...

David Clapp

Statues of 3 monks with a flowering plant hanging nearby.