austria, fiaker, horse-drawn carriage, horses, vienna

The Sound of Music in Salzburg, Austria

If The Sound of Music is one of your favorite movies, Salzburg, Austria, is almost certainly on your travel wish list. The Sound of Music continues to captivate moviegoers decades after it first appeared on the big screen. Today, more than 300,000 tourists visit Salzburg, Austria, where the film was shot, each year to tour ...

Haidene Go

Salzburg, Austria.

The Allure of Viennese Coffee Culture

While many cultures can take pride in the exceptional quality of their coffee, Vienna, Austria, has raised the beverage to an art form and made drinking it a way of life. Customers can spend entire days in a delightful atmosphere and a diversity of customers by purchasing a single cup of coffee in one of ...

Haidene Go

Café Central.

The Scandal of Arnold Schoenberg’s Skandalkonzert of 1913

You may have heard of mosh pits, places at concerts where fans can engage in an extreme form of dancing to express their enthusiasm for the aggressive music being performed. Critics argue that this behavior is angsty and highly risky, and it is not reminiscent of sincere love for music. Injuries are common and deaths ...

Viena Abdon

A caricature of the Skandalkonzert, with concertgoers fighting orchestra members and each other while the conductor waves his baton and police carry people out.

Why the 30,000-Year-Old Figurine Venus of Willendorf Still Fascinates

There are several relics of historical importance. One of these is the intricately designed statuette known as the Venus of Willendorf. While other famous Venus figurines have survived the test of time, this one is especially intriguing. The Venus of Willendorf, also called Woman of Willendorf or Nude Woman, is an Upper Paleolithic female figurine and is perhaps the most ...

Jack Roberts

Venus of Willendorf limestone statuette.

Do You Know the Real Story Behind ‘The Sound of Music’?

A video of almost 200 people taking over Antwerp Train Station in Belgium in a carefully choreographed dance to the Do Re Mi song that Maria sings in The Sound of Music has reached over 1 million hits. While people, including myself, like to watch viral videos, this one seems to have struck an especially ...

Troy Oakes

A photo of Tracey Bell impersonating Julie Andrews' version of 'Maria' from 'The Sound of Music' with the Austrian Alps in the background.