autumn foods, healthy eating, pumpkin, pumpkin latte, pumpkin millet, pumpkin rice, pumpkin soy milk

Some Traditional Pumpkin Recipes for Autumn

Pumpkins are a treasure trove of health and nutrition. Although they are sweet to eat, they are a low-sugar food. You don’t have to worry about putting on weight if you eat it. Pumpkins are packed with dietary fiber and can help with constipation. People who often eat irregularly can also eat pumpkin as a snack ...

Nspirement Staff

Harvested pumpkins.

Autumn Is a Good Time to Eat Eggplant

Eggplant is nutritional and affordable. Eating it in the fall is especially good for the body. According to traditional Chinese medical studies, it has multiple health benefits. Lowers blood lipids and combats fatigue Eggplant contains saponin, a chemical compound that can remove heat, calm, and modulate the body. It is effective in fighting fatigue and ...

Nspirement Staff

Eggplants in a crate.