balsam pears, beneficial foods with medicinal properties, bitter gourd, bitter melon, blood sugar, constipation, digestive health, improve appetite, kerala, lose weight

Do You Know the Benefits of Balsam Pears?

Did you know that balsam pears can do magic? Balsam pears are more commonly known as bitter melons or bitter gourds. They have some medical uses that are really worth knowing. Recent studies have shown that these pears are extremely beneficial for our health and well-being. Improving appetite and digestion Research shows that balsam pears can improve ...

Kathy McWilliams

Slices of bitter melon, also known as balsam pear or bitter gourd, sitting on a cutting board.

What Is ‘Dampness’ and How to Treat This Debilitating Condition

Health in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hinges on striking a balance between all the elements in our bodies. A person will feel bulky and sleepy all the time when they are damp. The body feels sticky like glue and the person feels sluggish. In TCM, dampness is described as being like cotton that has been soaked in oil. ...

Hermann Rohr

A sick woman lying in bed covered with a blanket.

The 5 Flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine deals with five flavors. Some people prefer their food to be sweet, some like spicy, while others go for sour. These flavors tease our taste buds — enjoyment all of us indulge in. However, there’s more to eating than pleasure. A balanced diet includes the right amount of meat, vegetables, and fruits ...

Emma Lu

A meal with the 5 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine.

9 Summer Foods to Beat the Heat

Chinese believe that the hottest days in summer easily cause discomfort and chronic ailments. Consuming certain summer foods ahead of such periods, however, can counteract this and prepare the body for combat. 9 summer foods for hot days 1. Mung beans Summer is the season for eating more summer foods like fruits and vegetables. Mung ...

Emma Lu

Dragon fruit cut in half.