burial chamber, cave site, kenya, new discoveries

Cave Site in Kenya Reveals Oldest Human Burial in Africa

Africa is often referred to as the cradle of humankind — the birthplace of our species, Homo sapiens. There is evidence of the development of early symbolic behaviors, such as pigment use and perforated shell ornaments, in Africa. However, most of what we know about the development of complex social behaviors, such as burial and mourning, ...

Troy Oakes

The Panga ya Saidi cave site.

Mummified Animals Discovered by Accident in Egypt

When people think of Egyptian mummies, they typically think of the practice as a means of preserving human corpses. But the ancient Egyptians mummified not only human beings but also animals. Recently, a team of researchers uncovered an Egyptian tomb that housed several mummified mice, cats, falcons, and other creatures. Mummified animals The animal mummies date ...

Armin Auctor