business management, going with your gut, instincts, study

5 Ways You Can Promote a Culture of Innovation at Your Workplace

Innovation culture basically refers to a workplace environment in which employees feel confident in developing and implementing new ideas and processes. For a company, a strong culture of innovation is essential to staying relevant in the market, gaining an edge over the competition, and even attaining market dominance. 5 ways to promote a culture of ...

Raven Montmorency

Card with innovation on it.

7 Qualities That Make a Wise Leader

Though many people reach leadership positions, very few possess actual leadership qualities. A business that fails at placing real leaders in charge will soon start facing difficulties. A wise leader ensures that the business is able to compete successfully in the marketplace while running smoothly through proper management and productive employees.  Qualities that make a ...

Raven Montmorency

Kaizen: A Culture of Improvement

The term Kaizen became famous around the world through the works of Masaaki Imai. Born in 1930, Masaaki Imai is responsible for bringing Kaizen to the West with the help of American management and productivity consultants. Along with W. Edwards Deming, Imai argued that quality control should be put more directly in the hands of ...

Emma Lu

Toyota tailights.

4 Personality Traits That Put You Among the Most Successful Leaders

Many times, the success of a business will be largely dependent on how good its leaders are. A well-funded business with an excellent plan in an attractive market can end up in a loss if the person leading it is not good enough. In contrast, an excellent leader can take even the most beat-down business ...

Armin Auctor

A man giving a presentation.