centenarians, little peng zu, longevity, old age, ross

What All the Recorded Cases of Longevity From the West and East Have in Common

Health and longevity are what most people desire. But are there any recorded cases of extreme longevity? Even in modern times with advanced medical technology, a person’s average life expectancy is 75 years.  Every country has examples of people living longer than 100 years. But such cases of longevity are rare. If anyone lived for 300 ...

Hermann Rohr

A very old woman.

World’s Oldest Man Dies in His Sleep and Other Longevity Stories

The amazing longevity of Robert Weighton, confirmed as the oldest living man in the world at 112 years of age, ended as peacefully passed away in his sleep. He was suffering from cancer and died at home in Hampshire, England, on May 28, 2020. A former engineer and teacher, Mr. Weighton was born in Hull, ...

Armin Auctor

Robert Weighton.

Hot Springs and Desserts for a Long Life

Masazo Nonaka from Hokkaido, Japan, has been declared by Guinness World Records as the oldest living man in the world. His long life has currently lasted 112 years. Masazo received the award and certificate for his incredible record from Erika Ogawa, the V.P. Japan of Guinness World Records, on April 10, 2018. Erika visited Masazo ...

Armin Auctor

Masazo Nonaka