change the world, change yourself, good deeds, kindness, yourself

5 Ways You Can Change the World by Changing Yourself

There are many things in this world you might find yourself disappointed in. It might be the way people treat each other, how they deal with the environment, act selfishly without concern for others, and so on. Living in such a world, you might end up thinking that there is nothing you can do to ...

Raven Montmorency

Leaving a gift of flowers.

The Principles of Feng Shui

“Feng shui” literally means “wind” and “water” — the former refers to energy and atmosphere, while the latter refers to mobility and changes. What are the principles of feng shui, then? Like all great truths, they are simple and straightforward. Most people think we are affected by feng shui, but they don’t know that we ...

Armin Auctor

The Taoist yin/yang symbol.