child development, games, new discoveries, study

Cultures That Play Games Together Tend to Stay Together

Playing is important for the development of complex social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. Play provides young individuals with a safe space to practice new behaviors without grave repercussions. While most animals engage in play, only humans engage in rule-based games. Which kinds people play — competitive or cooperative — may depend on their cultural ...

Troy Oakes

Three children playing in water.

The Benefits of Having Fewer Toys

Nowadays, it is quite commonplace to come across households where there is a separate room designated for children to play with their toys. You may have seen many children with fancy ones and the variety can be mind-boggling. From modular toys that can be set up in many ways to battery-driven ones and toy sets ...

Armin Auctor

A room full of toys.

Researchers Find Connection Between Household Chemicals and Gut Microbiome

A team of researchers for the first time has found a correlation between the levels of bacteria and fungi, the gut microbiome, in the gastrointestinal tract of children and the amount of common household chemicals found in their home environment. The work, published this month in Environmental Science and Technology Letters, could lead to a better ...

Troy Oakes

Household cleaning chemicals.

China’s Children Left Behind by Climate Change and Urbanisation

A UNSW report considers China’s children affected by migration and climate change, and the necessary social policy reforms required to protect their rights. The expansion of protections for China’s migrant and “left-behind” children is essential for the nation’s continued economic and social wellbeing, according to a Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) paper. The landmark study, commissioned ...

Troy Oakes

Chinese child with an imploring look.

Adventures in Homeschooling: Do’s and Don’ts

It’s almost “back to school” time again. Yet, here we are in the year 2020, getting used to virtual classrooms. This is an opportune time to be creative and reevaluate our approach to schooling and consider alternative avenues of education for children. Homeschooling is one such approach. It is gaining in popularity and it holds ...

Raven Montmorency

Girls sitting on the shore of a lake.

Tangram: China’s Most Famous Puzzle

Of all the puzzle games to have come out of China, tangram is one of the most popular. When it was first introduced into Europe in the 19th century, it became a craze among the local population. Although it appears simplistic, the creativity and analysis that goes into solving the puzzle make the game appealing even ...

Raven Montmorency

A tangram puzzle.

Could Dogs Be the Answer to ADHD?

UCI Health child development specialist Sabrina E.B. Schuck — long concerned about the lack of treatments for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — decided to seek therapies besides medications to calm and help them focus. In a first-of-its-kind randomized trial, Schuck and her colleagues discovered that therapy dogs are effective in reducing some of the symptoms of ADHD ...

Troy Oakes

Girl with her arm around a German Shepherd's neck.

How to Know If Your Child Needs Glasses

Undetected vision problems can impact your child’s performance in and out of the classroom. Therefore, it’s essential to understand eye health so you can recognize the signs that your child may have a vision problem and possibly need glasses. Johns Hopkins ophthalmologist Megan Collins, M.D. said: “The visual system in a child is still developing ...

Troy Oakes

Glasses resting on a book.

Is It Genetic Code or Postal Code That Influences a Child’s Life Chances?

Most children inherit both their postal code and their genetic code from their parents. But if genetic factors influence where families are able to live and children’s health and educational success, improving neighborhoods may not be enough. Latest research at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health and the University of California at Irvine provides new insights into ...

Troy Oakes

Mental Health Disorders in Adolescence: The Risks and Resilience

A deeper understanding of the wiring and rewiring of the adolescent brain is helping scientists pinpoint why young people are especially vulnerable to mental health disorders in adolescence — and why some are resilient. When Charly Cox was diagnosed in her teenage years with depression and other mental health disorders, what lay ahead for her ...

Troy Oakes