childhood development, childhood skills, imagination, lego, play

Building Bright Futures: How LEGO Helps Children Develop Important Skills

“Play well” — these two simple words capture the heart and soul of LEGO, the world’s most famous building toy. From classic sets to themed ones featuring popular movies and characters, LEGO continues to encourage children to explore their imaginations and develop problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. The origins of LEGO In 1932, ...

Haidene Go

Creating with LEGO bricks.

What to Do When a Child Lies: 7 Ways to Deal With the Situation

Despite every parent not wanting this to happen, a child’s lying can occasionally occur when least expected. Sometimes children tell a lie about the most minor things ever, and most of the time, they don’t even understand why they do what they do. However, these could be critical moments when you could help them learn ...

Mike West

Pinocchio after telling a lie.

Melodic Mastery: 7 Ways Music Enhances Mathematical Skills

Did you know that music can enhance mathematical skills and make mathematics more enjoyable for students? Researchers believe incorporating music into math lessons can keep students engaged and reduce anxiety about complex concepts like fractions. This is a great way to motivate children to appreciate math and encourage them to learn more. It’s pretty fascinating. ...

Haidene Go

A young child playing a piano.

The Benefits of Play for Children’s Development

They say that children’s work is play — and they’re right! This is how children learn about the world and themselves. It’s as essential to healthy development as eating healthy, reading books, and getting enough sleep.  The fantastic thing about playing is that children do not need expensive toys to be entertained. As long as ...

Haidene Go

Teacher leading students to play a game on the playground.

7 Effective Ways to Encourage Honesty in Your Children

It’s adorable when children come up with tall tales and pretend games. Imagining and coming up with stories is essential to your child’s growth and creativity, especially for children under 4. But while it’s advisable to encourage pretend play, it’s equally vital to promote honesty. Honesty forms the foundation of integrity, trust, and relationships. So ...

Nathan Machoka

A group of smiling children.

How to Help Children Let Go of Old Toys and Stuff They No Longer Need

In any household with children, there is an inevitable accumulation of possessions. Birthdays, Christmas, the celebration events like sporting victories and random impulse buys bring in a stream of toys, clothes, and other stuff. But getting rid of these possessions is another story. While some children can be convinced to send their old toys to ...

Troy Oakes

Children's playroom full of toys.

Waldorf’s Seven-Year Developmental Stages: What You Should Know as a Parent

Austrian scientist and thinker Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) developed the Waldorf schools in the aftermath of WWI. Steiner concluded that a human being is a threefold being of spirit, soul, and body whose capacities unfold in developmental stages on the path to adulthood. According to Steiner’s anthroposophical beliefs, there is a seven-year period between each developmental stage. The ...

Nathan Machoka

Children doing schoolwork.

10 Iron-Rich Foods for Babies and Toddlers

Iron is a vital nutrient your body needs to produce hemoglobin, the component in red blood cells that carries oxygen to organs and muscles. Iron-rich foods are, therefore, essential for aiding oxygen supply, muscle metabolism, cell functioning, physical growth, nerve development, hormone production, and more. That means iron is a crucial component of healthy blood, ...

Nathan Machoka

A child eating.

Why Reading to Children Is Important

Reading to children isn’t just a pastime or a spontaneous activity. It has many benefits for your child’s development. Find out why it’s so important to read to your children. While most parents read to their children when young, not many realize why keeping this practice up is essential as they age. The top reasons ...

Mike West

A girl reading a book.