childhood obesity, healthy eating, overeating

Fostering an Obese-Free Environment for Children

Childhood obesity is a medical condition where your child’s weight is above the recommended body mass index (BMI) on growth charts. In children, BMI is age-specific and gender-specific.  Childhood obesity affects children and adolescents. It puts them at risk of developing lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes. It can also lead to mental illnesses ...

Nathan Machoka

Childhood obesity.

Working Mothers Create Obese Children, According to Researchers

A new study conducted by researchers at University College London shows that obese children are the result of growing up with working mothers. Childhood obesity is a significant problem in the UK. Estimates suggest that almost 28 percent of the 11-year-olds in the country are obese, with 19.8 percent classified as “dangerously tubby.” Just a ...

Nspirement Staff

A working mother.