celebrity life lessons, celebrity life stories, chinese culture, emotional healing, family bonds, family dynamics, family reconciliation, forgiveness, forgiveness and understanding, overcoming adversity, parent-child relationships, parental relationships, personal growth, sun li

Healing Old Wounds: Actress Sun Li’s Story of Family and Forgiveness

Sun Li’s journey from a tumultuous childhood to a place of peace and success is a powerful story of resilience and forgiveness. As a celebrated Chinese actress, she has not only made a mark in the entertainment industry, but also navigated the complex path of reconciling with a father she felt estranged from after her ...

Mikel Davis

A father and daughter holding hands watching the setting sun.

‘Journey to the West’ Director Yang Jie’s Paranormal Encounters

In the following account, renowned Chinese director Yang Jie shares her personal encounters with the supernatural, offering a rare glimpse into the mysterious and often unspoken world of ghostly phenomena. Yang Jie’s personal account On October 2, 1987, we were filming the final scene of Journey to the West at the Qing Xiling Mausoleum, where ...

Mikel Davis

Promotional poster for the 1986 Chinese TV series 'Journey to the West.'

A Call from Heaven: The Unexpected Gift Arranged by a Late Son

Losing a child is an unimaginable pain that can bring even the most vital individuals to their knees. For one couple in China, the loss of their son just before he was about to step into university life was a devastating blow. This article tells the heart-wrenching yet heartwarming story of a mother’s connection with ...

Max Lu

Colored clouds in the sky.

Historical Plague Survival: The Oberammergau Story and the Dongguang County Mystery

Plagues have the power to topple the mightiest empires and disband the strongest armies. Seemingly impartial and ruthless, neither wealth nor power offer protection. Even a nation’s ruler can easily fall victim. Despite our advanced material and scientific civilization, we have not been immune to the indeterminate origins of current viral crises. However, plagues are ...

Mikel Davis

Pieter Bruegel's painting 'The Triumph of Death,' depicting the Black Plague in Europe.

Emperor Tang Taizong: A Legacy of Seeking Talent in Ancient China

Emperor Tang Taizong, renowned for establishing one of the most formidable empires in history, owes much of his success to his exceptional talent in identifying and utilizing gifted individuals. A prominent example of his ability to discern talent was in the rise of Ma Zhou, who evolved from a humble background to become the Prime ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of the face of Emperor Tang Taizong.

Guiding Integrity: The Upright and Honest Advisors of Ancient China

In ancient China’s history, wisdom and integrity were paramount virtues. Rulers often sought counsel when faced with perplexing matters, including unsettling dreams and omens. Those endowed with good character, like Yan Zi and Gongsun Sheng, diligently fulfilled their duties, prioritizing their responsibilities over personal gain or safety. Yan Zi’s wise counsel and integrity Duke Jing ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man dressed in the robes of an ancient Chinese official.

Beware the Illusions of Fortune: Ancient Chinese Wisdom on Premature Celebrations

Life is indeed full of unexpected twists and delightful surprises. Yet, in the fabric of fortune, ancient Chinese wisdom cautions against early celebrations in times of apparent joy. Millennials are well-accustomed to seeking continual happiness and evading misfortune, aspiring for an uninterrupted streak of good fortune. However, vintage insights suggest a more restrained approach, especially ...

Max Lu

Church decorated with flowers for a wedding.

Lin Yutang: Enlightenment and Return of Faith and Tradition (Part 2)

Chinese literature, already captivating in its own right, takes on a new dimension when interpreted by Lin Yutang. His magnum opus, the novel Beijing Memories, narrates an authentic Chinese story in impeccable English. Notably, his English biographies on Empress Wu Zetian and Su Dongpo are equally celebrated. His books My Country and My People and ...

Mikel Davis

Statue of Lin Yutang outdoors in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China.

Lin Yutang: Enlightenment and Return of Faith and Tradition (Part 1)

In the late 19th century, in the town of Banzi in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, there was a notable figure named Lin Zhicheng. A priest by vocation, Lin was often seen ascending to the top of the church. There, he would raise the cross a little higher using steel bars imported from the U.S. Or, at ...

Mikel Davis

Black and white photo of Lin Yutang.