blood pressure, bmi, cholesterol, diabetes, health, osteoarthritis, weight loss

How Much Weight Do You Actually Need to Lose?

If you’re one of the one in three Australians whose New Year’s resolution involved losing weight, be working toward it. But type “setting a weight loss goal” into any online search engine, and you’ll likely be left with more questions than answers. Sure, the many weight loss apps and calculators available will make setting this ...

Troy Oakes

Using a treadmill.

5 Foods That Lower Cholesterol and Protect the Heart

Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide, and heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. High cholesterol is a common health problem, but the solution doesn’t always come from pills with side effects, according to a cardiologist who has treated thousands of ...

Hermann Rohr

A bowl of oats.

4 Nighttime Signs That You May Have High Cholesterol

There are three common highs in medicine — high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. Among the “three highs,” high cholesterol is the most common. Blood lipids are substances like cholesterol and triglycerides that are present in blood circulation. They do not dissolve in the blood and exist in a non-dissociated state, meaning ...

Tatiana Denning

Leg cramps at night can indicate high cholesterol.

Why Food Is the Best Medicine

Many Chinese believe that food is the best medicine and that essential food, such as potatoes and nuts, are what we need most to maintain good health. A Tokyo University study examined the relationship between food and cholesterol and determined that sweet potatoes work ten times better than 130 other foods at reducing cholesterol levels. Two ...

Audrey Wang

Stuffed sweet potatoes on a baking tray.

The Benefits of Eating Eggs Daily

What, if any, are the drawbacks or benefits of eating eggs? An egg is considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods. It is known as the “Complete Protein Model” by nutritionists. For many years, Western nutritionists believed that eating eggs was bad for patients with high cholesterol. But that no longer seems ...

Helen London

A basket of brown eggs.

Eating Kelp to Help Prevent the ‘Three Highs’

Eating kelp can help lower the “three highs.” The three highs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. These are three common ailments for people after middle age, also known as metabolic syndrome. You already know to eat your daily servings of vegetables, but when was the ...

Helen London

A dish of kelp.

Mulberries: The Best Health Fruit of the 21st Century

Strolling around the market, you may find fresh mulberries for sale. Some vendors sell products like mulberry juice and mulberry jam. Customers are attracted by this little treasure, which comes into season in the springtime. With its sweet-sour flavor, one just cannot resist it. Moreover, mulberries are honored as “the best health fruit of the ...

Helen London

A bowl of mulberries.

4 Health Benefits of Eating Celery Regularly

Celery is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents, and it is an excellent source of nutrients like Vitamins A, B, C, K, magnesium, and potassium. Since a stalk has just 10 calories, it also makes for a great low-calorie diet food. 4 health benefits of eating celery ...

Raven Montmorency

Stalks of celery.