chopin, francisco tarrega, nkia phones, nokia, nokia ringtone

The Origin Story of Nokia’s Ringtone

Nokia’s ringtone may be one of the most recognized jingles in the world. It is a ringtone that transcends generations and has a touch of nostalgia connected to it. Even people who haven’t heard the tone will think it sounds familiar.  Nokia phones have a cult following, especially the Nokia 3300, which is even the ...

Viena Abdon

Man holding an old Nokia 3310 phone.

5 Piano Players Who Influenced the World

Invented sometime around 1700, the piano quickly became one of the most popular instruments in the world. During the last few hundred years, several masters have also emerged, enthralling people with their mastery of the piano. 5 legendary piano players. 1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Arguably the single most influential pianist in history, Mozart was ...

Nspirement Staff

Black piano keys with a sheet of music overlaid.