bitter melon, coix seeds, dampness, mung beans, traditional chinese medicine, winter melon, yang and yin

What Is ‘Dampness’ and How to Treat This Debilitating Condition

Health in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hinges on striking a balance between all the elements in our bodies. A person will feel bulky and sleepy all the time when they are damp. The body feels sticky like glue and the person feels sluggish. In TCM, dampness is described as being like cotton that has been soaked in oil. ...

Hermann Rohr

A sick woman lying in bed covered with a blanket.

The Natural Guardians That Protect Your Heart

Heart disease can seriously endanger human health. Patients with heart disease should pay special attention to their diets. Dietary therapy is an important way to relieve the suffering of patients with heart disease. The following foods can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, protect the heart, and prevent heart disease. Chocolate guards against heart disease ...

Nspirement Staff

A heart monitor.

Medicinal Food: 4 Ingredients With Medicinal Value

Wu Guobin of the Chinese Medicine Clinic in Xinyitang describes the medicinal benefits of 4 common medicinal food found in the kitchen. Ginger Ginger has a warming effect that can help treat the common cold, dispel phlegm, and help an upset stomach. Fry fresh ginger with scallions and cardamom to treat a cold, body aches ...

David Jirard

Ginger tea.