art, celebrations, coffee, culture, finland, happiness, independence day, sauna, traditions

From Shock to Awe: Embracing Finland’s Unique Cultural Landscape

Finland’s culture, which is full of history, goes against the idea that it is always dark and snowy. Even though they are called “shy,” Finns are very friendly and sure of themselves. Natural beauty, like the Northern Lights, lakes, and woods, is a big part of what makes the country unique. Traditions like sauna routines ...

Viena Abdon

Helsinki, Finland.

Exploring 10 of the World’s Iconic Gardens: A Tour of Nature’s Wonders

Gardens, with their vibrant colors and diverse landscapes, offer a unique blend of artistry and nature. Most countries have pride gardens; some are still blooming, and others are recognized worldwide. This article will explore the most iconic gardens worldwide, each boasting distinctive charm and beauty. From the modern marvels of Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay ...

Viena Abdon

Singapore's Gardens by the Bay.

The Magic of the Northern Lights: Tales and Legends from Around the World

The enchanting dance of the northern lights has captivated people ever since they settled in the North. If you’ve ever had the chance to see the northern lights, you’ll see why cultures across the North formed myths and legends around them. Today, we know that the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are ...

Nathan Machoka

Spectacular display of intense northern lights in Canada.

Discovering the Spicy Allure of Indian Street Food

Indian street food differs significantly between regions and even between vendors within regions. The country’s street food leads you to something fresh and wonderful to delight your eyes and taste buds, from puchkas to kathi rolls to paan and jalebi. Want to learn more about Indian street food and how it influenced the locals’ tolerance ...

Viena Abdon

Indian street food.

The Symbolism of Beards in History

Throughout human history, symbols have played a significant role in shaping cultural norms and values. Among these symbols, beards have been a distinctive and multifaceted emblem with profound significance.  From ancient civilizations to modern times, the beard has been more than just facial hair; it has been a powerful representation of identity, authority, wisdom, and ...

Viena Abdon

A statue of Poseidon with a beard.

The Cute and Cuddly World of Robots: Bringing Joy and Innovation

When you think of robots, it conjures images of mechanical marvels that populate everyone’s lives in various forms. Recently, robot companions, designed with cuteness, have captured people’s hearts and revolutionized industries, households, and how you perceive technology.  From the adorable household helpers to the whimsical creations that often emanate from Japan, they have seamlessly merged ...

Viena Abdon

A robot waving.

South Korea’s Hawaii: 11 Most Popular Things to Do at Jeju Island

Located south of mainland Korea, Jeju Island is the most popular destination among Korean and foreign visitors. The island is just an hour’s flight from Seoul — with hundreds of flights from Seoul to Jeju every day.  In 2011, Jeju Island was named among the New 7 Wonders of Nature because of its dramatic volcanic ...

Nathan Machoka

Jeju Island, South Korea.

Why Do People Around the World Take Their Shoes Off at Home?

Wearing shoes in someone’s home can be a sign of respect or an insult depending on the culture. This is because it is customary for people to take their shoes off when entering a private residence, but it may not always be appropriate to do so. Where did the custom to take off shoes originate? ...

Hermann Rohr

Woman dressed in business look entering home and taking off her higheel, right foot.