cautionary tale, consequences, curiosity, greek mythology, hope, pandora's box

Opening Pandora’s Box: Lessons on Curiosity, Consequence, and Hope

You’ve probably heard of the idiom “to open a Pandora’s box.” It means doing something that brings unforeseen consequences or causes many problems that didn’t exist before. According to Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by the Greek gods to punish humans. But why would the gods want to punish humanity?  Why was ...

Nathan Machoka

Pandora's box.

10 Recommendations for Balancing Authority and Inquiry in Children

Finding the ideal balance in parenting can be difficult. Still, fostering respect for authority and a curious mind is essential. It’s a delicate dance that calls for tact and comprehension.  Encouraging curiosity is just as crucial for intellectual development in children as respecting authority is for their social development. This article will discuss how parents ...

Viena Abdon

A happy family.

The Whys and Hows of Teenage Dating and Romance

At any age, one can feel the whole range of human emotions when they start dating and fall in love. The ups and downs can be dramatic throughout adolescence because everything is more extreme and happening for the first time. Love in adolescence can be a wild ride, with all the hormonal shifts and other ...

Viena Abdon

A young couple dating.

Revisiting Childhood Dreams for Personal Growth

In the secret depths of our childhood memories, we all harbor dreams that once sparked our imagination and filled our hearts with joy. Seemingly lost amid the rush and responsibilities of adulthood, these dreams hold a key of immense value: They provide profound insight into who we’ve become today. This article explores how rekindling those ...

Viena Abdon

Crescent moon and hot air balloon above a serene sea in the sunset sky with a glowing horizon and comet passing by.

What Can You Learn From the Animated ‘The Little Mermaid’

Why is The Little Mermaid still one of the best stories for children? If you’ve been a fan or at least saw or heard of the story before, find out in-depth the positive impacts of the classical story and the lessons it has to teach. First published in 1837, The Little Mermaid was written in ...

Mike West

'The Little Mermaid' animated movie.

Curiosity Mars Rover Snaps Its Highest-Resolution Panorama Yet

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has captured its highest-resolution panorama yet of the Martian surface. Composed of more than 1,000 images taken during the 2019 Thanksgiving holiday and carefully assembled over the ensuing months, the composite contains 1.8 billion pixels of Martian landscape. The rover’s Mast Camera, or Mastcam, used its telephoto lens to produce the panorama; ...

Troy Oakes

Panorama photo of Mars.