cause and effect, death, forensic science, karma

The Unseen Threads of Cause and Effect: Insights from a Forensic Expert

As we navigate the complexities of life, the concept of cause and effect is often a source of deep contemplation. A forensic expert with decades of experience unraveling the mysteries behind life’s final curtain call shares a profound perspective that illuminates the intricate web of causality that binds our actions to their outcomes. Understanding death ...

Max Lu

A sunset over the ocean.

The Longing for an Original Life Led Her up to the Alm Almerin

Some embark on extraordinary journeys to seek answers in a world filled with questions about what happens after people leave this earthly realm. Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois, the author of the book Souls Who Leave Us, yearned for a life filled with purpose and authenticity that went beyond the ordinary.  Her quest for an actual existence ...

Emma Lu

Ghostly image of a woman standing beside a lake in a mist-covered forest.

Dorothy Eady: A Woman Reincarnated as an Ancient Egyptian Priestess

Reincarnation is a fascinating idea that has fascinated people for a long time, no matter where they come from or what they believe. It’s the belief that souls can be born again in new bodies, such as the story of Dorothy Eady.  This mysterious concept has interested scholars, religious thinkers, and philosophers who have tried ...

Viena Abdon

The Temple of Seti I.

3 Days After Death, a Man Came Back to Life

In Hubei, China, a man suddenly died in the prime of his life. He miraculously returned to life three days later and said that at death, he was taken away by a ghost in the underworld because he had the same name and birth date as a man who killed someone. From ancient times to ...

Emma Lu

Colored clouds in the sky.

Tales of Mysterious Retribution Following Murder and Thievery

Our world can sometimes show us mysteries that either surprise or shock us. The following are two such stories about mysterious retribution. Thief meets retribution: dies half an hour after stealing a motorbike Recently, a delivery driver reported a stolen motorbike to the police. Within 20 minutes of the phone call, a train ran over ...

Emma Lu

An active crime scene.

Life Force and Gravity: Does The Soul Just Weigh 21 Grams?

Twenty-one grams is an experiment by Dr. Duncan MacDougall based on the hypothesis that human souls have physical weight. He tried to measure the mass change of six dying patients. One of the six patients lost three-quarters of an ounce or 21.3 grams.  While MacDougall’s experiment was rejected within the scientific community, it popularized the ...

Viena Abdon

Abstract image of the soul.

Near-Death Experience: The Realm Between Life and Death

A near-death experience can leave a lasting impact on a person’s life. But, even if you’ve never experienced a close brush with death, you’ve probably seen or read about it in popular media.  In movies, we usually see a scene where the star is bleeding out or lost at sea or in a desert. Then ...

Nathan Machoka

Large doors opening to the heavens.

A Poignant Love Letter of an Unusual Kind

The day of my father’s funeral was met with an unusual encounter, as well as an unusual love letter. At the end of all the official funeral proceedings, I noticed an elderly lady in her seventies. Her grey hair was neatly styled, and she wore a hand-knitted black sweater with a small white flower corsage ...

Emma Lu

A pink lotus flower in bloom.

How to Give Meaning to Your Death

It’s surprising how most existential questions hit you at the most random moments. These are questions that you find yourself facing more frequently than you would imagine. Yet, at some point, we always whisk them away under the rug of our everyday routine. We’re too busy “doing life” to face the truth of death. How ...

Raven Montmorency

A man sitting on a windowsill looking out at the city.