closet organization, decluttering, home organization, minimalism, storage solutions

 6 Practical Tricks to Organize Your Closet

Some people are okay with three pairs of pants and a few T-shirts, while others are the complete opposite. A full closet makes them happy. These people may find it difficult to donate or give away some or all of the clothes they don’t use. However, the challenge arises when this abundance transforms your closet ...

Nathan Machoka

Interior of a well-organized closet.

Mastering Organization: 6 Simple Tips for Improved Skills

Do you lack organization? Are you sick of feeling sluggish and confused all the time? Do you find it hard to remember what you must do and finish it on time? If so, you’re not alone.  on top of your tasks. Follow these 6 tips and you’ll be well on your way to mastering organization ...

Viena Abdon

A cluttered room piled full of boxes of junk.

Cupboard Mastery: 12 Effortless Kitchen Organization and Access Tips

The kitchen is the heart of every home, and the cupboard is its beating pulse. A well-organized cupboard streamlines your cooking process and brings a sense of calm and order to your daily routine.  Imagine effortlessly locating every ingredient or utensil without the frustration of digging through clutter. This article will provide a comprehensive guide ...

Viena Abdon

Open shelving in a kitchen.

9 Practical Tips for Designing a Room That Speaks to You

Designing the perfect room can be a daunting task. It becomes even more complex when you’re trying to harmonize different styles or work around unusual room layouts. But beyond aesthetic considerations, good design is about crafting a space that exudes a particular ambiance and reflects your individuality. Here’s how to achieve this. 9 tips for ...

Nathan Machoka

Table laid out with interior design sketches, paint swatches, paint brushes, and a tablet that shows the completed design of the room.

4 Reasons Why Decluttering Will Improve Your Mind, Body, and Soul

You’re not the only one who feels stressed out by a messy house, and the same is true for others who feel overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning and decluttering. No matter how clean and organized you or your family have been, it’s normal to accumulate a lot of stuff over time. So why not ...

Ratul Saha


Decluttering Tips From Experts to Help You Get Organized

Decluttering and organizing an entire home can be an overwhelming task. Clutter can cause anxiety, affect your ability to focus, and generally make you less productive and comfortable in your home, thus, it is important to have an organized home. A study titled Procrastinators and Clutter: An Ecological View of Living with Excessive Stuff, published ...


A woman holding a white shirt and kneeling on the floor by some boxes with "keep", "donate", and "discard" written on them decluttering her closet.

Less Is More: How to Start Decluttering

We all strive to be organized and efficient. But how can we be organized if our closets are overflowing, our floor is stacked with boxes and newspapers, or the kitchen is filled with dirty dishes and expired items? You cannot function in such an atmosphere. Therefore, if you are trying to stay organized or want ...

Raven Montmorency

A cluttered room piled full of boxes of junk.