amino acids, anthocyanin, anti-aging, antioxidants, black fungus, cardiovascular health, cloud ear fungus, detoxification, dietary fiber, digestive health, health benefits, liver health, natural superfood, nutritional powerhouse, urinary health, wood ear fungus

The Health Benefits of Black Fungus: Nature’s Aspirin

With the serious environmental pollution in modern society, detoxification has become a hot topic in health care. Notably, black fungus (also known as wood ear or cloud ear fungus) stands out for its remarkable health benefits. Renowned as the “aspirin of the food world,” it boasts a variety of advantages, including beautifying the skin, detoxifying ...

Mikel Davis

Black fungus salad with soy sauce and horseradish.

Eat Black Beans for Detoxification and Anti-Aging

Black beans are an often-overlooked treasure. In addition to their delicious flavor, black beans contain things such as polyphenols, unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber, all of which provide an array of health benefits. In order to gain some of these benefits, we have a couple of tasty recipes you can try, which will not only ...

Tatiana Denning

Dried black beans.