beth nicely, diet and nutrition, fitness, health, jennifer garner, workout routines

Jennifer Garner Makes a Solid Impression With Her Fitness Skills 

It’s hard to believe that Jennifer Garner has turned 50! While many celebrities have undergone cosmetic surgeries to defy the signs of aging, Jennifer is not one of them. High-profile models and actors often undergo the scalpel in hopes of looking younger than their age, often with mixed outcomes. However, only a handful of celebrities ...

Raven Montmorency

Jennifer Garner.

Is Intermittent Fasting for Everyone?

Is intermittent fasting for everyone? I would like to talk to you about a popular topic I get asked about in the clinic a lot — intermittent fasting. You might be wondering: “Is intermittent fasting good for you? Is intermittent fasting bad for you? Will this benefit me? Will fasting help me lose weight? What ...

Health by Nature

Lose Weight the No-Diet Way

The goal for millions of individuals is to lose weight, but only a minuscule section of those people can achieve the weight loss they desire. There are thousands of weight-loss diets, and the number of people getting fed up with the lack of success from trying those weight loss plans keeps growing with time. This ...

Emma Lu

Scale and frustrated woman sitting on floor holding head and arms on knees.

11 Incredible Benefits of Peanuts

No matter your age or weight, the benefits of peanuts are many and can play an important role in all kinds of diets. Whether they help you lose weight, enhance the nutritional quality of your diet, or prevent the onset of disease, the benefits of peanuts for everyone are great. Even those who are malnourished can ...

Raven Montmorency

Peanuts in the shell.

Help Relieve Joint Problems With Diet

With aging, long-term use, and high-impact stress, articular cartilage can degenerate and wear out over time leading to joint problems. This can cause joint deformation, bone spurs, and a loss of elasticity, also known as osteoarthritis (OA). The resultant joint pain, swelling, and stiffness often lead to decreased function and mobility. Osteoarthritis commonly affects the ...

Tatiana Denning

Fresh organic green leafy vegetables, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, onions, garlic, cauliflower, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips, and herbs seen against a dark blue surface.

5 Different Types of Intermittent Fasting Plans

Intermittent fasting (IF) is believed to help with weight loss by creating a net calorie deficit. It also helps regulate your metabolic health, which will eventually lead to a longer and happier life. The closing of gyms during lockdown was a driving factor behind the rising trend of this diet. The diet plan includes an ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of fruit sits next to a watch on a wooden surface beside a label that says "intermittent fasting."

How You Can Lose Weight With a Plant-Based Diet

There are many benefits to eating a plant-based diet, one of the major ones being that you can lose weight. Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly common in Western societies. Some people use the term plant-based to mean a vegan diet. Others might use it to mean a vegetarian diet that includes milk and eggs. People ...

Armin Auctor

Plate with a vegan wrap and salad.

The Diet of Our Ancestors: A Cure for Obesity?

Obesity is becoming a global problem. Have you ever heard of eating like a caveman to lose weight? What does it mean? Add more greens to your diet or grill meat over an open fire or just eat with your bare hands? Not exactly. To understand what this means, we must first look at our ...

Raven Montmorency

Natives hunting an elephant.

‘The China Study’: Diet, Genes, and Diseases

In 2005, T. Colin Campbell, an American biochemist, published a book, The China Study. The book contains results from 20 years of nutrition research Campbell had conducted in China. Unlike other health research reports, The China Study was not published after observing a small group of people. Instead, the study covered 6,500 adults in 65 ...

Raven Montmorency

A Chinese family eating dinner.

The Wonder of Congee

Congee has been a traditional health-preserving food in the East for centuries. It is light and moist, yet delicious, and supports those with a weak appetite and even people who have no interest in eating. The fine texture of the dish shortens the digestion process and provides quick energy. It is the best choice for ...

Helen London

A large bowl of congee.